Young guinea pigs, struggling to find a good fit for their diet


New Born Pup
Apr 5, 2019
Reaction score
Baltimore MD
Hi guys! I have two new guinea pigs, they are around 3 months old. I have tried to introduce them to vegetables, but I will come home after school and the vegetables will be untouched. I take them out of the cage and throw them away after a couple of hours because I don't want them to spoil and get eaten then. Miloh and Bistro are still a little skittish so they won't eat the vegetables from my hand. Should I keep putting new vegetables in the cage in hopes they will eat them eventually? I just don't want to force the food or waste it. Also, during my guinea pig food hunt I learned that up until around they are 6 months old they should eat Alfalfa hay, I originally bought Timothy Hay but freaked out because of this new discovery. So..I went back to the store because I had to get them pellet food, I came across the brand Higgins Sunburst Gourmet Blend. As my pet store has pretty limited food options, this was the only choice I could find with alfalfa hay. Have you heard of this brand or is it any good? My guineas has really grown to love it and have been eating it all! I thought because they weren't eating the vegetables, and this brand has some in the mix, it would weigh out. I also put timothy hay in their cage as well. Any suggestions on a different food brand and do young piggies need to be eating alfalfa hay or can they eat a mixture? I've already fallen in love with them and have had a lot of fun preparing for them to join in my life. Of course I will get whatever is necessary, I am just not to sure what that is!
Hi and Welcome to the Forum

It is lovely to hear from someone who is clearly very committed to giving their guinea pigs a great life.

Our guide to a balanced diet is here:
Diet Guides

As far as fresh veg goes you are doing everything right - just pop a small selection into their cage and remove the uneaten parts after a few hours. It may take time, but eventually they will start to eat it.

The best food is a 'all in one' type pellet - please try to avoid muesli type mixes, as these encourage selective feeding and often contain lots of unnecessary sweeteners and colours.
Welcome to the forum.

Your piggies are still young and will gradually work out what they like to each so carry on doing what you're doing.
One thing you might try is to offer a slice of cucumber that you have taken a bite from to show them that it's OK.
Piggies learn from each other.

My Jemimah would never eat any pepper except red until last year.
What changed was that I acquired 2 new piggies who did like yellow and green pepper so suddenly Jemimah discovered that she did like them after all!
Hello and welcome to the forum

Have your piggies tried a little grass, dandelion leaves and herbs such as dill, rosemary and corriander? I have never come across a piggie who doesn’t like dandelion leaves x
Hi guys! I have two new guinea pigs, they are around 3 months old. I have tried to introduce them to vegetables, but I will come home after school and the vegetables will be untouched. I take them out of the cage and throw them away after a couple of hours because I don't want them to spoil and get eaten then. Miloh and Bistro are still a little skittish so they won't eat the vegetables from my hand. Should I keep putting new vegetables in the cage in hopes they will eat them eventually? I just don't want to force the food or waste it. Also, during my guinea pig food hunt I learned that up until around they are 6 months old they should eat Alfalfa hay, I originally bought Timothy Hay but freaked out because of this new discovery. So..I went back to the store because I had to get them pellet food, I came across the brand Higgins Sunburst Gourmet Blend. As my pet store has pretty limited food options, this was the only choice I could find with alfalfa hay. Have you heard of this brand or is it any good? My guineas has really grown to love it and have been eating it all! I thought because they weren't eating the vegetables, and this brand has some in the mix, it would weigh out. I also put timothy hay in their cage as well. Any suggestions on a different food brand and do young piggies need to be eating alfalfa hay or can they eat a mixture? I've already fallen in love with them and have had a lot of fun preparing for them to join in my life. Of course I will get whatever is necessary, I am just not to sure what that is!

Babies learn from their elders what is safe to eat and what not. If they are from a place that doesn't feed veg, then they will not recognise it as food, unfortunately, and it is much harder to get them to eat it. Keep exposing them to small quantities of veg. Smear some pellets with them and feed those pellets directly as a treat.

You can try to imitate this by using our piggy whispering tips to invite them into the group you are leading, tell them in their language that they are loved. then smear a bit of veg on your lips and eat a little with them on your chest and watching. let them sniff your lips and then smear a little juice on their lips. I hope that by providing the guidance they are lacking that you get their earlier. Try a little brit of grass or fresh herbs first; greens are usually the first thing piggies make a dash for, and they are packed with vitamin C and trace elements.
Understanding Prey Animal Instincts, Guinea Pig Whispering And Cuddling Tips

It won't be a quick process but you will hopefully you will get there. Concentrate on feeding little of everything at first and allow their digestive system to adapt to the new foods. Normally babies get traces in their mother's milk and learn what to eat by nibbling alongside her from just a few hours old and then when they start to eat increasingly more seriously from just a few days later before they switch to a mainly solid adult diet by around 2 weeks. The gradual weaning process starts shortly after and is generally finished by 3-4 weeks.
You can find baby videos of how this should happen and how the elders deal with it in this little newborns' first days diary here:

My boy Finn has been with me since he was a baby so he has always had veggies three times a day along with Oxbow pellets and Oxbow hay.
I was appointed Lara's pet parent by a friend and this friend told me she didn't know guinea pigs eat veggies so when Lara came to live with us, she didn't eat veggies for some time. (Both Finn and Lara live in seperate cages by the way because I am not a breeder.).
Lara took her time to get used to eating veggies and a new home, but she eventually got used to eating veggies just like my boy Finn, so three times a day.

I would give them some time to get used to eating veggies but I wouldn't give up on giving them veggies, the nutrition they need to grow properly.