Young guinea pig staring at old guinea pig?


New Born Pup
Apr 17, 2024
Reaction score
Pennsylvania, USA
Hello all. I've noticed some behavior between my older guinea pig (Peanut) and the younger ones he lives with (Gabby and Tiny). If Peanut's relaxing in his pigloo, Gabby or Tiny will come up and put their heads in there and just stare at him. Peanut usually wheeks really loud when this happens. They're not hurting him, they literally just go up to him and look at him. The weird thing is, Peanut used to do this to my senior pig Butterbean when he was alive. I'm not sure if they're trying to check on him or what, but it's weird that it's happened with two different pigs. Anyone have any experience with this?
Perhaps they are looking for him!

Are they all male?
How old are they all?
They are all male. Gabby is 3, I think Tiny is somewhere between three and four, and I think Peanut is between four and five. Tiny and Peanut were surrendered to the pet store I worked at, so I'm not totally sure of their exact ages
So they are all adult then.
How long have they been together?
I’m asking because it may be nothing (they may be looking for each other), it may be to do with how long they’ve been together, but also because boar trios don’t usually work long term I wonder is there is the potential for it to be the start of an issue.

We don’t recommend the use of pigloos (single exit hides) and certainly not with a boar trio. It runs the risk of causing an issue inside if one piggy gets trapped by the others and can’t get out
they've been together for eight months and were also with my Butterbean, so it was the four of them together until butterbean passed in april. i wonder if maybe the younger pigs are just trying to check on Peanut, but I don't think Peanut likes being disturbed, lol