Young boars & dominance


New Born Pup
Apr 1, 2024
Reaction score
I have two young boars (about 10 months old) and they've been together since they were babies.
Last couple of days they seem to argue more (like rumble strutting, following and humping each other - no serious injuries).
One of them is around 1200 grams and did not lose any weight, but the other one lost about 40 grams from the last weighing (went from 1140 to 1100) and it makes me worried. He seems fine otherwise (normal looking poop, full of energy, breathing fine). ☹️

They have two of everything, and lots of space (cage is 2m x 0,8 m). Big piles of hay , fresh veggies in the morning and evening, fresh grass and high quality pellets. But it seems like they are less interested in food these couple of days.

Could the weight loss be due to dominance behaviour and hormonal changes? 😪

Thank you xx
At around 9/10 months there is another hormone spike. It is not as large as the one at 6 months but will produce the same behaviours.
40g is not yet concerning but I would keep a closer eye on weight and their behaviour in general while this passes.
Don’t intervene unless you absolutely have to.
The spike at this age is less likely to be bond breaking.
Ok, thank you !

I really hope this will pass very soon and they'll be back to normal.
I'm about to give birth in a couple of days so seeing them acting strange makes me really stressed out 🥹 not the most convenient time for any health problems haha 🥲