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Yeast Infection Photo

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
We went to piggy clinic today and Mabel was diagnosed with a yeast infection behind her ear. I thought it may help others to post a photo:

Treatment is with Canesten twice a day for now and we will see how she goes and adjust if needed. This is not a full blown fungal infection so she will not need dipping.
Thank you for posting this. I hope Mabel gets better soon.
Thank you, it's not really bothering her which is good.
It can be from an overload of Candida. Dipping in Imaverol which is my preferred method of treating anything remotely fungal in origin.
Thankyou for the info good to see life photos helps us to know what to look out for -- Get well Mabel
Poor Mabel! My pig, Sundae, also gets yeast overgrowth (though hers tend to be on her legs/belly.) She is on chronic antibiotics due to bladder issues, my vet has suggested that this could be a contributing factor. OTC yeast topical cream for human use has done the trick for her, though I find I have to keep applying it for a big of time after the skin looks clear or it will just recur.
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