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Havent had much experience with piggies. Can you tell me do they have yearly injections like cats & dogs ?

Hi and welcome to the forum!

No they do not need any routine injections. Only when they are ill.
thank you - I'm glad i found this forum so many knowledible people and somewhere to go for help :)

Ive been looking through and have seem some advice on treating lice . Instead of waiting for it to happen and treating it. Can they have those 'spot' drops to save getting them in the first place ?

thanks again
Glad you like the forum, it is a great place for getting advise.

I am not sure if it would help prevent them in the first place. But to be honest I wouldn't put harsh chemicals on my piggies unless they needed them. Some people might have different opinion on this.
Laure said:
Glad you like the forum, it is a great place for getting advise.

I am not sure if it would help prevent them in the first place. But to be honest I wouldn't put harsh chemicals on my piggies unless they needed them. Some people might have different opinion on this.

I agree with Laure again :)
I wouldn't treat for mites/lice routinely but others may think differently. A lot of the spot ons (in fact most) you can buy in pet shops are not suitable for piggies.
No I wouldn't treat for lice/mites routinely. Better to treat once the pigs have them. Ivermectin for mites (from the vet) and lice and easy from gorgeous guineas for lice!
Hi there and welcome to the forum from us in OZ :)
You've come to the right place, lots of lovely people and very knowledgeable O0
Looking forward to hearing about your piggies soon :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
I'd agree and only treat for mites if they were present. My vet advised that the drops you get for gp's in the pet shops aren't of any use - not strong enough to really be effective.

Enjoy and have fun with your piggies! :)
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