Yay Group Floor Time Success!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Sep 13, 2010
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I've always given my gang floor time but in their pairs or singly for skittles and ginger as i didn't want them to fight but today i though well I'll give it a try as a group session!

We put them all in together including ginger ( i know he's just been done) but i stood in the middle of the pen and my mum was watching too so he wasn't gonna get up to anything naughty!

They had plenty of veggies and hay and all got along amazing, it was so nice to watch them all pop-corning and following each other about.

Ginger loved it and believe it or not i only had to pick him up 2 times to stop him getting Jiggy with the girls ( I didn't even let him get to mounting as soon as he went near their bottom I'd put my hand there and shoo him away and he got the message) he was more interested in running through the tunnels and chewing his sea-grass ball!

His favourite girl was Skittles which I'm so chuffed about because it means they can live together in six weeks time as Skittles refuses to like the other females in her cage, but she did like them in floor time, she got a little nippy towards the end but other than that it was really good. Ginger followed her around like a train at the beginning!

I'm so chuffed at how well it went... and i wanted to share.

Let's hope for my happy future group floor time!

:D :D :D
Great news they all got on well. I would still be wary about letting Ginger have floortime where he could get to the girls until the full 5-6 weeks post op. But as long as he was no where near i guess thats ok- i know how quickly and easily some animals can get pregnant and would hate for that to happen to your girlies. But pleased all went well so far :)
Great news they all got on well. I would still be wary about letting Ginger have floortime where he could get to the girls until the full 5-6 weeks post op. But as long as he was no where near i guess thats ok- i know how quickly and easily some animals can get pregnant and would hate for that to happen to your girlies. But pleased all went well so far :)


I just felt mean because he was up at the bars wanting to join on the fun as i don't have anywhere else to set up the pen but your right it wasn't the best thing to do... I'll wait till the six weeks are up.
I know what you mean... I feel so guilty my two are on their own at the moment....but for health reasons its a must atm. What i do i give split floor time with a divider then they can chat through the bars. :D But its great they all got along well :D
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