<y piggy doesn't seem to be drinking water!

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Senior Guinea Pig
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
Never never land

I only got my piggy today but he hasn't been out his house atall and doesn't seem to be drinking water :(. Do you think he's ok?

I only got my piggy today but he hasn't been out his house atall and doesn't seem to be drinking water :(. Do you think he's ok?

I would say yes, he's adjusting to his new surroundings. When he feels more at ease he will come out & he will drink tho' they are all different; some drink more than others.

He may come out when you aren't around or when it's dark as he will feel "safer" :)
I just worry don't want him too dehydrate... I have a water bottle do you think it is worth putting a bowl of water in to incase he doesn't know how to use it? He is a year and a half though and a wee rescue piggy so i presume he will know how too use it?
I would say to keep the water bottles full, keep an eye on them. Adding a bowl with water might help aswell. He may prefer bowls, but try and mesure how much you added, he will make a mess in his pen so adding a small towel underneath the water bowl would be great. Sometimes they also drink in privacy...so give him some space lol. :p Let us know how he does. :) Oh! and if your afraid he will dehydrate, try adding juicey fruites into his cage so he has some type of liquid in him. :))
You could try putting a piece of cucumber in the entrance to the bedroom where he is hiding. He may come and take it if he doesn't have too come out of hiding. Leave him with it by himself for a while and then go back and look if it has gone later. Cucumber contains mostly water, so he will get a drink at the same time.
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