Xeno 50 Or 450?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
Nottingham, England
I don't know if I've posted this in the right forum.

My guinea's have hay mites/lice or whatever they are atm. So I ordered the bigger one's Xeno 450 and it occurred to me that one of my sow's (Coco) only weighs 891g. Can she still have the Xeno 450 if we put less on her or do we need to get the Xeno 50? I was looking at the 50 and it seems we'd need about 4 pipettes if I got that, unless I've read it wrong as my concentration is the best a majority of the time.

Yes I have spoken to a vet via email about using Xeno 450 on the other guinea's, she helped me work out the amount of drops that one of them would need, I just didn't buy them from her because they worked out to be quite expensive and I can get 6 pipettes for just over £16. I'm not able to ask her what to do in regards to Coco atm, she's off work for the next 10 days :(

Thanks in advance!
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:D Have you taken your pigs to the Vet to get the mites identified correctly? Hay mites or Static lice are harmless and do not suck blood. A nice bath with some piggie shampoo should get rid of them.
No, it's a bit hard taking 10 guinea pigs to the vets and a tad costly lol. Like I said, I've already had advice via email in regards to the mites and dosage for one of the boars from the vet they usually see :)
Hi Kerrie. I did the maths about a year ago and wrote it down! It boils down to there being 22.5 micrograms per drop of the Xeno450. Each pipette holds around 20 drops.
Using my calculator, I got 6 to 7 drops dosage for a piggy between 500 and 750 grams in weight, around 8 to 9 drops for one between 750g and 1kg, and one full pipette for a pig over 1200 grams. The biggest headache is deciding what size 1 drop should be, squeezing the pipette accurately is difficult. I would really, realy check with your vet that my maths is right though. I do agree that is gets expensive using lots of the Xeno50s.
Thank you @AuntyC when I asked her about our boar who was I think 1140g she said to do 18 drops. I was thinking 8 or 9 myself but obviously I wanted to come on here an ask first because I don't want to hurt Coco. unfortunately the vet she would see is away for 10 days :( I'll see if I can find another vet to ask :) thanks again!
That sounds about right. If he was 1200g you would be using a full pipette of 20 drops, he is 60g under that so nearly a full pipette or 18 drops would be the right dose. I have a large foster sow here who is 1130g and the last dose I gave her was a dribble short of a full Xeno450. She is the one in my avatar, got her on a diet now though. She is quite lazy, and loves spending time lying in the hay tray doing as little as possible. Honestly, laid back lady❤️.
@AuntyC Coco was diagnosed with possible ovarian cysts after a scan last year, she's lost fur from her sides, do you think it would still be ok to use the Xeno on her?
@AuntyC Coco was diagnosed with possible ovarian cysts after a scan last year, she's lost fur from her sides, do you think it would still be ok to use the Xeno on her?
Ah, ok, definitely think you need vet's advice on that. One of the possible adverse reactions is skin sensitivity. Poor Coco might not appreciate that on top of the hair loss, but a vet would know best.:nod:. Hope you can get it sorted out soon x
Okie dokie, I just said to my son I think she'll need to go and see someone. I'll treat the others with the 450 as they are good sized guinea's, it's only Coco that's small. She's a cute girl though :D

Thanks @AuntyC
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