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Xennex & Guinea Pigs? Advice Needed Asap.

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 15, 2012
Reaction score
Hello everyone.
Fidge has a new cage mate, everything has went well.
I unfortunately was working today so my parents went to pick them up.
I came here to see the new piggies.
Long story short, fidget had Xennex around 12.30 / 1pm & about 2pm my mum said she started darting around the cage. I've had a look & it looks like extreme popcorning but something is clearly annoying her.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
We do not recommend xenex; if your piggies have mange mites, only ivermectin will help. Please do not repeat the course and if necessary have her seen by a vet if she has an adverse reaction (check the skin) to the xenex.
Am I right in thinking that the similar sounding Xeno topical is Invermectin and therefore considered better for guinea pig use, in either 50 or 450 strength dependant on weight of piggy?
Am I right in thinking that the similar sounding Xeno topical is Invermectin and therefore considered better for guinea pig use, in either 50 or 450 strength dependant on weight of piggy?

Xeno 50 or 450 is a topical ivermectin based product, specifically for the treatment of especially mange mites.
Xenex is permethrin and not ivermectin based. It is a broad spectrum general antiparasite shop product for the prevention, but not the treatment of skin parasites.
Thank you for your replies, I didn't get any notifications!

I'm now worried. As she is furiously flipping around her cage. When I checked on her she was lying with her front legs stretched out & she didn't really respond until I touched her. Eyes look rather sunken.

Could this be an allergic reaction of some sort? It states on the bit of paper that it was Xennex she was given. The other piggy is fine but Fidget isn't.
Hello everyone.
Fidge has a new cage mate, everything has went well.
I unfortunately was working today so my parents went to pick them up.
I came here to see the new piggies.
Long story short, fidget had Xennex around 12.30 / 1pm & about 2pm my mum said she started darting around the cage. I've had a look & it looks like extreme popcorning but something is clearly annoying her.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Hey. I used xenex on one of my piggies after getting it from a rescue just as a precaution not as a treatment and she did exactly the same thing. Flipping about as if trying to get it off her neck. The morning after I out it on, she would not come out for her veg and I was extremely worried. However, after a day or so she was absolutely fine but in will never use that stuff again! The woman at the rescue said she has never had any problems with it so it must just be certain piggies
I would recommend you see a vet as soon as possible. She may have an adverse reaction and really needs to see somebody qualified.

Unfortunately for you, the forum has changed providers last night and parts of the forum need to be set up afresh, which may take a bit of time, like email notifications.
Ah yes I seen the notification just there. I will let you know what happens.
Xeno 50 or 450 is a topical ivermectin based product, specifically for the treatment of especially mange mites.
Xenex is permethrin and not ivermectin based. It is a broad spectrum general antiparasite shop product for the prevention, but not the treatment of skin parasites.
Thanks Wiebke
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