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X Ray Or Ultrasound Scan?


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 17, 2017
Reaction score
Scotland, UK
My pig has chronic respiratory issues which one vet has said its due to a possible deformed lung that doesn't completely inflate.
Her body goes completely limp and her heart rate slows down, eyes bulge, gasps for air etc. Then snaps out of it several times a day.
Does she need an X-ray or ultrasound scan? I'm going to a vet today thinking it was an ultrasound scan without sedation but my current vet (who wanted to sedate get but doesn't advise it because she'd probably pass away due to her size) has called today to say it's an X-ray I need and I'm confused please someone help before my appointment!
My pig has chronic respiratory issues which one vet has said its due to a possible deformed lung that doesn't completely inflate.
Her body goes completely limp and her heart rate slows down, eyes bulge, gasps for air etc. Then snaps out of it several times a day.
Does she need an X-ray or ultrasound scan? I'm going to a vet today thinking it was an ultrasound scan without sedation but my current vet (who wanted to sedate get but doesn't advise it because she'd probably pass away due to her size) has called today to say it's an X-ray I need and I'm confused please someone help before my appointment!

Yes, having a scan or x-ray of some sort would be a help. So would a mere whiff of gas, just enough to calm down your piggy but not enough to put it fully under, but an x-ray can be done conscious if needed. The slight sedation ehlps especially with repositioning a guinea pig in a certain pose (often sideways as well as lying on the belly) for showing the affected area from different angles.