Wriggly Piggies!

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New Born Pup
Jun 6, 2017
Reaction score
We adopted Max & Paddy a week and a half ago and whilst they are coming out of their hidey hole a lot more, when we pick them up, Paddy is fine and eats the food we give him when holding him, Max is still freaking out and staying frozen. Is there any tips or advice you can give? We've been trying not to get them out too much as to help them settle but also want them to get used to us! :)
We adopted Max & Paddy a week and a half ago and whilst they are coming out of their hidey hole a lot more, when we pick them up, Paddy is fine and eats the food we give him when holding him, Max is still freaking out and staying frozen. Is there any tips or advice you can give? We've been trying not to get them out too much as to help them settle but also want them to get used to us! :)

Hi and welcome

You may find the tips on settling in, making friends with the help of a spot of piggy whispering and how to pick them up without triggering their prey animal instincts helpful. You can find them all in our new owners guide collection link, which addresses the most often asked for questions and also gives you some important information that new owners are often not aware of. New Owners' " How To" Starter Kit
Hi and welcome

You may find the tips on settling in, making friends with the help of a spot of piggy whispering and how to pick them up without triggering their prey animal instincts helpful. You can find them all in our new owners guide collection link, which addresses the most often asked for questions and also gives you some important information that new owners are often not aware of. New Owners' " How To" Starter Kit

That's great thank you :D
Jingle and Mistletoe were frozen for ages during lap time. Jingle has recently started to eat when i have her on my lap. Mistletoe will do so occasionally but is usually frozen. I have had them since the end of jan. It takes time and load of patience. Good !uck.

It is so gloreous when they sit on you chomping away! Jingle even lets me stroke her aww
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