Junior Guinea Pig
Thanks to this website I got myself two packs of grids from costco and I can now start planning a c&c cage. £18 including vat for 30 squares. Gotta start looking for ideas now. Exciting.
Yes, got mine today.are they still in costco at that price?
4mm Is recommended any thicker and it would be a struggle to bend. I have used 2mm sucessfully though from teacrates it does bow a little if you use loose bedding. If you plan on fleece 2mm will doCan anybody tell me what thickness ofof corex is best to use.
I am a member of the Sheffield Costco but I haven't seen any grids in there, might be a good idea to ring them and find out. I can take you in on my card if they do have any grids.I wish I was a member of Costco I could do with a load