Would You Use Fleece In Outside Piggy Accommodation?

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Dani G

Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 8, 2016
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Just wondered if people think fleece is good to use in hutch/shed accommodation?


Dani xx
I have both of my hutches in the shed and I use fleece in my hutches. I love using it as it makes so much less mess of the hutches and the floor of the shed as well. My pigs also seem to love it and I find it easier to clean the hutches out. As it is in the shed it is protected from the weather so you should have no problems with damp etc.
Thanks for your reply, I was starting to think maybe fleece was only used indoors. Mine are in hutches at the moment but I'll be moving them to a boyles shed when it arrives in the new year. What do you use under the fleece and how often do you change it? I've been using vet bed under fleece but it gets very soggy even after a day.

Dani xx
You need an absorbent layer under the fleece to soak up the urine.
Puppy pads or towels are popular choices.

And as long as the fleece is in a sheltered location (like a shed) I think it would be fine to use outdoors.
Under mine I use Towels with puppy pads on the very bottom. I use a couple of layers of towels so it is more absorbent. I change mine once a week due to time constraints but I Would say after 5 days it should be changed.
Yep I've used fleece in hutches for years. I always used to have apiece of cardboard, topped with newspaper, topped with towers toped with fleece. I've recently seen them all into cage liners, so fleece, towel, another absorbant core then fleece again in a sandwich and it works very well also.
ive used fleece outside hutches,but if not in a heated shed ,when the weather gets cold it gets damp and cold,vet bed needs towels or puppy pads under for absorbency.i use cardboard bedding in the winter Finacard and use fleece cozies that allow a snuggleheat safe pad to go in the back .you can try fleece and see how you get on.its a personal preference .good luck.:)
I use fleece liners in my outdoor hutches also. Just in the bedrooms. Mine are sewn together as two pieces of fleece with towel sandwiched between. They also have snuggle sacks in there, but they don't sleep outside. It's probably warm enough here, but I'm too worried about cats and things. My hutches are just on the lawn, not in a shed.
Thank you all for your reply, that's very helpful. I've not been using an absorbent layer underneath which must be what's causing the problem.

I'll get some towels underneath now and look into getting some puppy pads as well.

Thank you

Dani xx
ive used fleece outside hutches,but if not in a heated shed ,when the weather gets cold it gets damp and cold,vet bed needs towels or puppy pads under for absorbency.i use cardboard bedding in the winter Finacard and use fleece cozies that allow a snuggleheat safe pad to go in the back .you can try fleece and see how you get on.its a personal preference .good luck.:)

Thank you for your reply. Can I ask one more question about the snuggleheat safe pad. Is there a particular brand you would recommend? I am worried about my girls in this very cold weather in the uk at the moment and this could be the answer, but I worry about them urinating on the heat pad!?

Dani xx
Thank you for your reply. Can I ask one more question about the snuggleheat safe pad. Is there a particular brand you would recommend? I am worried about my girls in this very cold weather in the uk at the moment and this could be the answer, but I worry about them urinating on the heat pad!?

Dani xx

This is the one that most of us use xx
Thanks for your reply, it doesn't cause any problems if it gets weed on?

Dani xx

Also wondered if you use it just at night or day and night in this cold weather?

Sorry to be a pain asking so many questions, I really appreciate your advice.

Dani xx
I only use mine at night as with the pigs being in the shed, there is an obvious temperature change in there during the day and it's quote comfortable for them. During the night it obviously drops, that being said I only use them if it's super freezing or I have very old/I'll/tiny baby pigs. As mine have heating otherwise.
I don't put mine under the fleece. I just place it in the hutch on top of the fleece and the pigs sit on it. I have never had a problem with the wee causing any issues. I use mine mostly at night but I have heated it in the day as well if it has not come above freezing.
I have been using mine for day and night as it has been -2 degrees c here.i just heat it for 7 mins ,place cover on and put on top of bedding,reheat again before i go to bed.you can wash the covers!wipe the heat pad with a damp cloth.they may pee on them,but it just needs the cover washing .you can buy spare covers.Hope that helps.:)
I only use mine at night as with the pigs being in the shed, there is an obvious temperature change in there during the day and it's quote comfortable for them. During the night it obviously drops, that being said I only use them if it's super freezing or I have very old/I'll/tiny baby pigs. As mine have heating otherwise.

Thank you, that's really helpful

Thank you again for all your replies, that has been really helpful for me and my piggies.

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