Would this unsettle my sows?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 9, 2009
Reaction score
I have 3 sows, Edie, Marmalade and Amber. Marmalade and Edie used to live together at their old home, but I got Marmalade in May and got Edie in June. Marmalade and Amber got on great and when Edie got here there were a few dominance arguements, nothing big really just a bit of chasing and teeth clicking which stopped after about a week. They now get on fine but in their 2 storey hutch they kind of leave Amber out. She does go upstairs sometimes and they let her go upstairs in the hutch but most of the time Amber just sits downstairs and the other 2 go upstairs. She has a hay rack, house, food bowl and water bottle on the bottom floor and there is the same on the top floor and I've watched her and she is definetly eating it all and drinking so no problems there, but I was wondering whether another guinea-pig would help even it out? So Amber wouldn't be left out quite so much? Or would this unsettle the group too much. Marmalade is 2 (I think - not exactly sure of age) Edie is 1, and Amber is 8 months old. If I did get another sow, would a baby be better or an adult? Or would it be best to not get another guinea-pig at all?
I would try to rehome either a neutered boar of any age (he has to get on will all three girls) or a younger sow. In either case, the existing hierarchy will not be in question and an introduction will not cause major dominance struggles.

If you can, I would recommend rehoming another piggy. 3 is only all too often 2+1 with the newcomer left out; from four onwards guinea pigs will behave like a group.
Ok thank you. I think I can, my Mum has said she doesn't mind me getting another guinea-pig as long as its a sow. I've asked about a neutered boar but she won't let me, she just said she doesn't want any more boars, I tried explaining that it would live with the sows but she says we can only get sows so I think I'll get a younger sow.
I worry about it being too risky. Also I don't know the background of one of them, so I don't want to get him neutered, Roy is 6 so I personally think he's a bit too old to be put through an operation and I just wouldn't want to risk it. I have looked into it lots of times before but I'm just not willing to risk it :(
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