Would this be ok?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Aug 4, 2010
Reaction score
North of England
I need to take my boy Jasper to the vets again on Thurs for a check up, he has had a respiratory infection. I also promised to drop in on my parents. I have a long term illness and to much trekking about will make me ill. Do you think Jasper would be ok in his carrier at my parents for an hour? Obviously if he is still unwell i wont do it. But will it be so much easier! The carrier is a decent size and i will make sure he has water (he has to be nil by mouth an hour before the vet) Will this be too stressful for him? Honest opinions will be appreciated :)
I'm sure he will be fine. but why does he have to be nil by mouth for an hour?
Can't see why not - he could have some lap time whilst at your parents if you are worried about him in the carrier. We pop cuddle sacs in for our piggies when travelling and they love them :))
Just out of curiosity, can I ask why Jasper has to be nil by mouth before his vet visit ?/:red
Just read the reason. I've known people give them cucumber (think it's cucumber...?) without skin which helps clean the mush off apparently - our vet always flushes their mouths before.
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I'm sure he will be fine in his box as long as he is cozy....maybe put a fleece blanket in with him.

Strange he has been told to be nil by mouth for an hour. Piggies should always be able to graze and just because he hasn't had food for an hour doesn't mean his mouth will be empty as piggies always keep mushed food at the back of their mouths. Maybe something to question.

Make sure you take food with you too....I'm sure he will be ok :)
Ah now i think she said no hay, not food. He loves coocumbers! Will put some in with him, thanks everyone. This will make my life a lot easier, and my dad does love the piggies so he can have a cuddle :)
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