Would this be ok for Tommy and Sparky?

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I don't like it unless you are going to cover it with something. I think it would make their feet sore and there is also the chance of them catching a nail and ripping it out.
tbh i wouldnt waste your money, like jane said it will hurt their feet if you dont cover it up, and they are not that big either they cant do much on that little shelf exceot sit downyour probably best buying a corner house with a flat roof that gives somewhere to hide and annother level (on top of the house) :)
I agree with Spudnik a house with a flat roof would probably be a better option. O0
It says for guinea pigs too but i wouldnt buy it personally as it could hurt there feet and injure themselves O0 They are mainly for chinchillas but just want more people to buy them for a range of different pets thats all ::)
I wouldnt risk it.Chinchillas get sore feet if they sit on mesh all the time so i would think piggies would aswell
Thanks for your advice, I have decided to give it a miss, I don't want to risk injury to them.

I did buy a plastic platform from my local pet shop but when I got it home I discovered that the ladder was far too narrow at the top for an adult piggy and though Tommy could get up it Sparky would of simply dropped off, though it was only a few inches it still would of been a scary experience for him.

They did have a house with a flat roof but, I don't use it as Sparky is a much calmer and more confident piggy without it though part of his cage roof is covered so he has somewhere shaded to sit.

My main reason for looking for a shelved area was that Tommy tends to wit for Sparky to start eating and then, ignoring the second dish containing the same goodies dives into Sparkies, my thought was if they have seperate areas to eat then would it avoid a confrontation however, watching them this morning Sparky doesn't seem in anyway bothered by it.
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