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Worrying weight


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 25, 2023
Reaction score
Hi all. I have a 4 year old boar called Sparky. He was at a healthy weight of 1307g on 12th November. That was the first time I weighed him as I didn't know weighing was necessary until now. I haven't been able to weight him since then but I weighed him today and he has dropped down to 1235g. He has lost 72 grams in 3 weeks. Each time, I have weighed them before they have ate to get an accurate weigh-in. Is this weight loss a cause for concern or am I just overreacting and its fine? (He seems perfectly well but I know guinea pigs are good at hiding illnesses). I also know that the normal fluctuation rate is 20 - 30 g if I am correct? Any advice would be appreciated. :)
Anything up to 50g is within a normal fluctuation range.

At 72g loss you should ensure you weigh him
every morning for a while to monitor what is happening with his hay intake more closely. If he continues to lose weigh daily over the next few days then you should book a vet appointment and step in with support feeding to stop any further weight loss.

Is the room he is kept in warm enough?
The cold weather of late might have had an effect on him.

Also, check his heft. It may be that his weight loss is not of concern at this point if his heft is still ok.
Older piggies do find it a bit harder to maintain and can lose muscle mass.

Weight - Monitoring and Management
Thank you for your answer. I will weight him every day for a while and note his weight down. His heft is still okay and hadn't really changed at all which is re assuring. The room he is kept in is kept at a warm temperature as far as I know but it may have got colder at a time when I wasnt in their room. Thank you for your advice :)