Worried - Pigs First Night Outside

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 21, 2015
Reaction score
Shropshire, England
So my girls r nearly five months old and tonight they are out for the first time as they were living in my conservatory and its now too hot in there. I have put a plastic cover over their hutch with some air holes in it, but i dont know how I'm going to sleep knowing they r outside all niggt.
Is there anything else i can do?
Will they be alright?

hello, sorry I have never had piggies outdoors so can't give you any tips... bumping this up for you
:DWhy not invest in a proper hutch cover and a hutch snuggle, or insulating layer? :tu: Waterproof covers come in different sizes to fit particular hutches, and have a clear plastic panel on the front with air holes. This can be rolled up in good weather. You can buy mesh panels to attach as well, to keep out flies. :nod:
Well as they r only outside in summer i didnt think they would need an insulating cover, now the temperatures have rose? They will be back inside once summer is over.
They seem ok oitside now and are exploring downstairs and ate all the grass that was growing in slabs on patio!
I think they suggested the cover because of rain and sometimes it is cold at night. Glad they are enjoying being outside :D I'm hoping to put mine out next year, can't do it atm due to having too much to do in the bungalow.
My cover is not insulating but is waterproof. If we r un for a particularly cold night then i will bring them in then.
Thanks all
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