Worried my boys may be fighting?

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Sep 9, 2008
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There are no physical signs of this on either piggies but one of them went for the other? now i dont know if this was fighting or just playing no biting or anything the other ran and they were both making strange noises and nodding there heads very fast, is this fighting/arguing or what?

I really dont want to seperate them unless it is absolutly necessary ive had them 7 weeks and they have always got on really well. Could they just be trying to prove who is boss so to speak? when they are seperated they squeak for one another. I checked on them 5 mins or so later and they were both popcorning around their cage and eating kale :{

This is the first time they have done this, ive checked on them numerous times since and they seem fine, either in their house together or popcorning or eating. any advice on what i should do other than keep a close eye on them?

They are brothers and 16 weeks old tomorrow :)
It's best not to seperate them yet, it sounds like one of your boys just crossed the line and the other one was putting him back in his place. It also sounds like they will be coming up to piggie puberty soon or alreday have, so keep an eye on them as this is the time when many boar couples fall out.

So far it doesn't sound very serious, what you need to look out for is things like yawning and teeth chattering as these are advanced signs of dominance, also don't seperate unless it gets serious, if blood is drawn them seperate them immediately, but they seem very well bonded so I wouldn't worry too much at this stage.
Ben and Dave have had some rocky times - no actual fighting (that I've witnessed) but there has been quite a lot of dominance from Ben - mostly!

I got Dave when he was very young and Benjamin has always been a dominant pig. So, in effect, Dave has learnt all his tricks of the trade from Ben, becoming a 'mini-me'. As he got bigger, Dave began to try and compete with Ben and become Boss pig. Ben was having none of it. There's been plenty of clattering of teeth and facing off, but nothing sinister. They are two of a kind, and although Dave now stands up for himself, he accepts that he's never going to be king of the castle in that relationship.

They still clatter their teeth at each other, not in an aggresive way, but as a sign of annoyance - they're like two grumpy old men sometimes! Unless blood is drawn, I'd allow them to get on with it to settle the score. Piggy puberty is a tough time, but if you can weather the storm, you'll end up with a couple of very bonded piggies!:)
Thank you, they have been fine since that i have witnessed, I'm so glad you didnt advice me to seperate them immediatly thats the last thing i wanted to do. Obviously i will if things turn nasty but hopefully everything will be ok from now on :))
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