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Worried hutch ramp might of hurt my guinea pigs


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 14, 2021
Reaction score
Reading, England
I found out that the ramp of the hutch my Guinea pigs are in has fallen off the screws and they were in The hutch (with attached run) when it happened. I didn’t see if it hit them or not because I was out at an appointment but when I got home that’s when I noticed about the ramp and I recently gave their veg I noticed they were both being a lot slower and hopping there back legs rather than walking or running fast like they ussually do. They are still eating. I’m worried to check there back legs because if they have hurt them I don’t want to make anything worse

Is this a sign of something wrong and if so I don’t think I’m going to be able to go to the vets as I’m heading away for Christmas at my mums from next week. Taking the guinea pigs with me.
Please get them checked by the vet. If they are bunny hopping there may be an injury. Please don’t try to check them yourself
@VickiA Thanks instead of handling them I used their carrier to put them both inside as I lock them in the inside bit of their hutch just before it gets dark. They were still doing bunny hops but one did walk on top of there tunnels instead of walking through but it also does seem their putting more pressure on there front paws

They are only around 5 months old. I’ll try to get an appointment either for tommorow or Friday. But if I can’t get any appointment on those days I won’t know what to do as i’m at my mums next week for Christmas (taking the pigs with me) and I’m not very familiar with my mums area)
If they are still not walking totally normally tomorrow then I would class that as something that needs to be seen by a vet tomorrow. If you tell the vets that they’ve been in an accident with a ramp, then the vets would probably agree to see them same day. They may need X-rays and/or pain killers
If they are still not walking totally normally tomorrow then I would class that as something that needs to be seen by a vet tomorrow. If you tell the vets that they’ve been in an accident with a ramp, then the vets would probably agree to see them same day. They may need X-rays and/or pain killers
Thanks. I’ll call them after I’ve had supper
. Also if it turns out something is wrong. Should i Inform the company to check their hutch ramps, where I got the hutch from because ramps shouldn’t come off there screws and I would hate for it to happen to other pets.
Well that’s annoying all my local vets are closed just checked their opening times. I’ll have to wait till morning to contact them. @VickiA
If you call absolutely first thing many vets will save a few appointments to hand out that day.
Hopefully you will be lucky and get one of those.
They may just need a few days of pain killers, and hopefully it is nothing serious, but always best to get this checked over by a vet.

I would also inform the company about the ramp if the cage came fully assembled.
However if you put it together yourself it may simply be letting them know that clearer instructions are required.
If you call absolutely first thing many vets will save a few appointments to hand out that day.
Hopefully you will be lucky and get one of those.
They may just need a few days of pain killers, and hopefully it is nothing serious, but always best to get this checked over by a vet.

I would also inform the company about the ramp if the cage came fully assembled.
However if you put it together yourself it may simply be letting them know that clearer instructions are required.

They turned out to be fine according to the vet but they didn’t do any of the weird hopping when they were at the vets. They just said to keep an eye and if they keep doing or it gets worse to contact them back. I don’t know what the pigs get up to overnight. So is it possible if they had a injury it might of healed overnight especially as their young?