Worried about Pebbles

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When I first got Pebbles she was shy and seemed depressed. Then she lit up and became the most wonderful little pig ever.

She was pregnant when I got her and I didnt know. I suspected that she was pregnant only one day before she gave birth to Bubbles.

Now they are in a separate cage and she sits in a corner and looks sooo sad. She does eat and drink and wheek.

I put her and Bubbles down in the big cage once a day so they can run around, and I want to see her happy.

But she is not. She runs away from the other girls and constantly tries to escape.

She always somehow get under the fleece even though I tuck it good. I have to buy some clips. However, she never used to do that before and I am not sure what to do.

I just want my little baby to be happy. What can I do?

Why have you seperated her from all the babies? Are they all boys?

She could be lonely and just not getting used to having company with guineas who she only sees for a short period of time and who have formed a bond without her?

Not sure it's just a suggestion.
One of my girls, Pippa, alway burrows herself underneath the fleece too so I now just throw another fleece over the top when they're out and about so she can snuggle down.

It's not that she doesn't get along with Willow (as they live together) I just think she likes to burrow and snuggle down in the dark. If we gently lift the fleece after a few minutes, she's usually sprawled out with her back feet stuck out!

Maybe your girl is just nervous by nature? My girls do not snuggle up together either and almost always find their own space. Did your girls have boxes/pigloos to hide in when they were in their big cage? She may feel a bit safer if she has somewhere to hide?
Could you try and stage a proper reintroduction?

Guinea pigs are very "us" and "not-us". Even though they have been together for years, sometimes they will not recognise a piggy that has lost the group scent because of a medical procedure or separation because of pregnancy. The line seems to be about 2 days. Sometimes there are no problems, but sometimes a group will not accept a member back.

(PS: Do not bather the baby; Bubbles is too young yet)


I hope that that helps!
Thank you guys! I wish I could bathe Bubbles, she smells lol.

Pebbles and Bubbles cage is right above the other girls cage on a firestove place so she can look down at them.

I will reintroduce them as soon as I have been to the vet and get Bubbles sex confirmed.

I just want my little baby to be happy. How to I reintroduce them? Can I bathe them all and put them down in a clean cage?
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