Worried about my girls

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Lady Kelly

Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 11, 2011
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Well following my previous thread about separating Bumble and Bea, I noticed that Bumble has another wound on the back of her neck and it looks like it would be impossible for her to get her head round that far to have done herself and is about the size you'd expect from a nip so I'm not sure if Bea did it to her or not.

They have been getting daily joint lap time and last night there was a lot of headbutting and teeth chattering, I know it could just be them trying to sort out their dominance again but I'm worried that they have fallen out and will have to stay separated. Bumble isn't eating much since they have been separated and stays in her wooden house most of the time and I can tell she's lonely whereas Bea has come out of her shell and looks like she is enjoying being alone.

I don't want my girls to fall out but I don't know what to do! OH has said if they can't go back together then we need to get another cage and get a new friend (maybe a neutered boyfriend) for Bumble and Bea can live on her own 8...
Maybe they are just irritating each other and need a bigger area.
My boys who are in a 120x60 cage have suddenly started to fall out, as the younger one is now hitting the hormones.
So, I now give them "free range" to my bedroom when I am home, and put them back in their cage once its bed time, or when I go to work. (I am lucky enough to only work 1/2 day)
They seem to be much happier and ALOT more tolerant of each other that way.
Sometimes they just need to get away from each other for a while.
hmm yes I think the cage we have is far too tiny for them unfortunately, I was hoping to look at building a C&C cage but not been able to afford the bits and pieces at the moment. Was talking to the OH about it and might try and convince him to get a boyfriend for them both (neutered of course!) because Bumble is soooo cuddly with Bea but Bea is a bit more of a loner and gets irritated by this
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