New Born Pup
HELP! I have an elder piggy Becky who's turning 8 this year. She's doing amazing for her age, however just recently she has lost a lot of hair on her stomach and hind legs where you can see her skin and I'm super worried... A few months ago she lost a lot of weight, but I just assumed it was because she was getting older and just eating less. I catch her itching herself a lot in those areas where small scabs are starting to form, and I feel so bad to see her so uncomfortable. She's eating and pooping normally. Sometimes when she sleeps her coat gets a little rough and the fur on her head stands up to be fluffy. I tried looking up her symptoms online and I'm guessing it's most likely a fungal infection or mites (unless theres other things I missed). I've checked for lice and I didn't seem to find any, but I did find some dandruff all over. I saw that fungal infections like ringworm usually start with lesions on the face, but Becky's face is completely fine. Another reason why I'm suspecting it might be a fungal infection is because Becky sometimes lays in a warm and damp area of the cage, where fungus likes to grow. Sometimes we are busy and don't get the chance to clean their cage all the time
and usually put it off for a day at most. Anyway, from what I've read mites seem super painful and hard for the piggies to go through, but because Becky has been eating and drinking normally I'm not 100% sure it's mites either. We're planning to go to the vet asap. We also have another piggy living with Becky, and she's completely normal except for some dandruff. Please let me know if you have any idea of what could be infecting Becky, and any advice for what could be done to treat it!