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Worried about appetite of the pigs.


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 14, 2021
Reaction score
Reading, England

With my pigs they started peeing again and we’re back to there normal self since I they finsihed the medication. .. (I forgot to update that post)

However I’m worried again about my two pigs usually within 5-8 mins all there veg and pellets are gone but since 2 days ago. The only veg they’ll eat is kale & herbs. They refuse to eat any other veg and with kale and some herbs having high calcium I can’t give it to them every day and they have stopped eating their pellets.. They used to eat a variety of veg and all pellets. Is this a sign something is wrong? They have been a lot less active recently as well spending more times in there inside area of the hutch even though the weather has improved. However there still eating hay. There only 8-9 months old.
Have you been weighing them? If not, please do start. They need to weighed weekly as routine but daily when you have health concerns as this is the only way to monitor that they are eating enough hay.
Not eating pellets is not, in itself a concern, given pellets aren’t essential but if their weight is dropping due to reduced hay intake then that is a problem.

What medication were they given?
Have you been weighing them? If not, please do start. They need to weighed weekly as routine but daily when you have health concerns as this is the only way to monitor that they are eating enough hay.
Not eating pellets is not, in itself a concern, given pellets aren’t essential but if their weight is dropping due to reduced hay intake then that is a problem.

What medication were they given?
I was weighing them however I wrote the weights down on my iPhone and was clearing my notes up yesterday and I just realised I accidentally deleted the notes of their weight

(The medication I mentioned on my previous post, it was metacam they finished that a while ago as it’s now March)
I would start weighing them daily from today and have them vet checked if they are losing weight. Due to their age, they should be gaining, so if they are losing, you know they aren’t eating enough hay which would warrant a vet check. Metacam doesn’t usually affect the appetite