My Abbey has a rough time when she is in heat. I keep track of everything on a calendar so I can see a pattern forming. She does the usual chattering, dancing and swaying and she just looks unkept and a little scruffy. I think her sister sometimes sprays her at this time. She is in heat right now and has started dragging her bum tonight. In October she started to get a dirty bum, worse when she was in heat. I realized after reading all the recommendations of this site that I was giving them way too many greens and apple. The problem began after I started running out of grass and had to introduce more store bought greens. The droppings looked normal and were not loose, but something was going on. After cutting back on the greens her bum cleaned up and all went well until this heat cycle. I have notice it is a bit dirty tonight. Is dragging her bum normal when in heat, because that is probably why it gets dirty. Do any of you have this problem? She does get chased and picked on by her sister sometimes, but most of the time they get along. Could this be her way of making a statement? Every heat cycle I want to rush her off to a vet, but then things sort themselves out. I would appreciate any help any of you could give me. I am a little worried.