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New Born Pup
Feb 28, 2023
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Hello I am after a bit of advice on whether Panacur is safe to use on guinea pigs for worms. My guinea pig is 3 years old and was off her food and water on Sunday night. I took her to the vets yesterday and she was given antibiotics and anti inflammatory meds. When I returned home I noticed a worm in her poop! The vet has now given a course of Panacur for 5 days. She has actually started eating and drinking again last night. I haven't given her the Panacur yet as the box states for rabbits. My vet is not specialised in exotic pets he has given me a few numbers to try but I wasn't able to get a quick appointment. Thanks for any advice!
Hello and welcome to the forum. I don’t have experience of using Panacur but others on the forum have used it. Hope that reassures you. If you pop in the word Panacur in the search area others posts will come up and you can have a read.
Panacur can be given but you obviously need to go by your vets instructions for dosing.
Piggies getting worms in the UK is a rare occurrence so it’s not something we can offer much advice on from personal experiences
Panacur is safe for piggies, but only effective against roundworms (nematodes), not tapeworms. Worms are very rare in UK piggies, did the vet see the worm and/or take a poop sample to look for worm eggs? A correct diagnosis is quite important- if its tapeworms, a medicine containing praziquantel is needed, not panacur.
This is the photo I showed the vet of what I found it was about 1 inch long


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Mine were treated for worms with Panacur. It was a 10 day course and the cages had to be deep cleaned every day in case any live eggs were passed.
I've only come across worms once, when one of our rescue babies had Giardia infection. We were prescribed Panacur and followed vet instructions strictly. We saw good results