World War One Centenary

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Staff member
Nov 10, 2009
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Today marks the centenary of World War One.

Between 22:00 BST and 23:00 BST The Royal British Legion are asking people to switch off their lights and light a candle in remembrance of those that died during the First World War. It is estimated that approximately 37 million people were killed or injured during the war, with over 16 million deaths.

TGPF would like to pay tribute with a special theme for our community designed by @Falken

'They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.'
We will remember them.
Our lights were off. We lit my great grammums paraffin lamp to mark this solemn occasion. As they probably it turned low or off 100 years ago. My great granddad was a farm worker with the shire horses, don't think he went to war but you know its something I will look into. My granddad was home guard in 2nd world war and my dad served with the army seeing Dunkirk, Egypt, Normandy landings and plenty of others. And yet somewhere on this globe senseless murder still continues in the name of war. Why? Are we humans so stupid a species that we will never learn? War is wrong. Fighting isn't the answer, war does not work. Did all those millions of people give their life for us to carry on the injustice of it all? Man = S T U P I D.
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