Woohoo, it's all good!

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Senior Guinea Pig
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
Never never land
The baby seems to be firmly in his place I have no agressive behaviour just plain dominance and the baby seems happy enough not too mess!

They are so funny to watch when Fred decides he wants to go all he does is purr and put his head up and the baby moves both seem happy enough squeaking about and even the teeth chattering has stopped!

I may actually have a good night sleep tonight! I can't believe how different it is from Saturday night! It's actually crazy!

Thank you so much for every ones wonderful support I don't think I would have been able to do this without your help!

Thank you!
I am so glad for you and your boys that it has worked out in the end!

You already know but ill say it again, i am so so chuffed for all 3 of you - it's a wonderful ending & your perseverance paid off!

Go Fred & Marvin! May you have a long & happy friendship :)) :))
With less stress and you know I couldn't have did it without you lot you have been fantastic especially yourself Nikki and Wiebke's without your help I know Fred would have still been lonely but now we have our friend to enjoy!

Yes it was hard work terrifying, and extremely stressful but it really has paid off and I would say to anyone that is bonding there piggie to keep with it because when it comes together and you can see they are happy and finally relax it is amazing! I'm still shaking with a mixture of stress and happiness I'm all bizz everyone is happy!

Woohoo! :))

P.s. I'm so glad I found this forum otherwise I would have been freakin out!
One full night!

There are still a few shanigans with Fred and his brr... with the odd teeth chatter but no agression from what I can see I believe Fred is just asserting his dominance! Which afterall he's the oldest and it was his home first so only fair he should be the Alpha! Both piggies looked happy this morning, no sign anyone had been hurt and in fairness the baby is a very vocal piggy so I'm sure I would have heard if anything serious went down. Still the odd head butt from Fred but no teeth chattering... which leads me to believe this is purely dominant behaviour! No doubt this shall go on for a little while!

I would think if Fred was going to have an aggressive fight it would of happened by now... he's had plenty of opportunities! :)p
Any fights would have happened before.

You may have face another tricky time when the baby comes into the hormonal phase from 4-5 months onwards - but hopefully you can work past that.
Lets not worry about that just yet :)p... I'll enjoy the peace at present! lol

I figured it'll probably happen hopefully Marvin continues with his submissive behaviour :))!

How long will Fred do his old teeth chattering, head butting thing for? Should he calm down soon enough? It's not aggresive so I'm not really concerned about it just think the baby might appreciate some quiet! :)p
It is very difficult to say - basically until Fred is satisfied; most boars stop after some days to some weeks. Some will never stop completely.

As you will have noticed - it doesn't interrupt the bonding!
It's quite funny to watch in fairness! I particually like Freds BRRRRRRR... I relate it to Move now or else... as Marvin squeaks away! I think 2 food bowls was a great idea I have one in each of the furthest away two corner 's so when Fred Brrrr's him he can happily go to the other food bowl! :))

Everyone's happy! :)p

I can't wait to play with new piggies, but shall leave them a few days to settle.. I think I will treat Fred with priority so not to put his little nose out of joint :)).
I found always wise to respect the hierarchy when dealing with guinea pigs.

Or you can take them out together, so they can get support from being with each other in a strange situation - you have to see and look what works best.
This is good news xx
Regarding the brrring - my 2 boys (brothers) brrr every day. Wicket does it whenever Patch comes near him but Patch just ignores him & it's over. I think Wicket just like brring because nothing ever comes of it :))
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