Woodshavings v Sawdust

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Jun 25, 2007
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isle of wight
Hi,at the moment my mum uses woodshavings around the corners of our pigs home to soak up the wee then uses straw like hay in their run bit and soft hay in their bedding area,what i was woundering is woodshaving just a bad as sawdust for the pigs health?(oh it dust free aswell :smiley6600:)
I thinkt he board is divided. Many use woodshavings and have no problems. Even the dust free ones contain some dust, I personally don't like them. Have a look on the housing board their are reviews for woodshavings. :)
personally i would never use wood shavings. but as S+T said some people do
I have always used wood shavings until recently and I am currently trying megazorb.
Never use sawdust, as the name says its dust and this could irritate pigs eyes and respiriarty(sp?) system.

Emma x
Shavings and Phenols

Read this and make your own mind up :) The reason I have never ever used shavings is because they are messy in my opinion. They can also cause liver problems and leave the skin prone to fungal problems, but everyone has a choice :)
i always thought woodshavings and sawdust are the same thing 98) i dont use either though, i prefer fleece it looks easier in my opinion :)
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