Wood shavings

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Mar 6, 2007
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Hi all, Does anyone know how much the biggest bag of wood shavings are from P@H? Urgent please :) thanks.
I bought a bag last week, but I can't remember how much it was. I think it was between eight and ten pounds, I will see if I can find out for sure. Why is it urgent? If you don't mind me asking. :)
Ummmm I don't know. Are you using it for bedding? Hmm I could recommend to you megasorb, it's extremely absorbable, don't have to use as much as you do wood shavings, it costs less, and it saves you on news papers as it is so absorbable :D
You might be able to get it from farms, thats where we got out massive bag from :)

It also costs abuot 2 - 4pounds less that shavings :D
Well, its urgent as
A) I have ran out and it is clean day soon, and today is the only time to get it.
B) I have made a play pen for the boars and want to cover the floor of it in wood shavings.
Look in the Yellow Pages under Farm, Shops for your nearest Megazorb/Medibed/Chaff supplier.
They dont seem to have anythink about wood shavings on the website, i thought they would though, oh well, i suppose i will just have to go and see.
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