Wood shavings issues


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 1, 2022
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I live in Ireland, we dont have access to any paper beddings (i would have to pay hundreds per week for dozens of tiny carefresh packets). I have 2 large cages so I need a lot. Zooplus has been out of stock of all of their hemp bedding for months and raised the price ridiculously so its just not a reliable option. We cant use fleece or towels because we dont have a dryer and it would be impossible to get it all dried and washed..we only have a small washing machine too. I could do vetbed as it dried easily but i would need to buy a lot more to fill the cages..

I was using clear no name no info bales of shavings but the last packet smelled quite strongly so I didnt want to use it. I was spending a lot of money on other shavings online which were a lot less dusty and no smells like Chipsi. However lately all the shavings i got are filled with very sharp splinters. The last bale had so many its unuseable. I complained to their customer service to no reply.

Now I'm having to temporarily use the bale of shavings from before, i do not know what wood it is as no label or info. Does anyone else use these clear bales? I dont want to think my pigs are going to drop dead or get infections :/ but i really have no other options for now
I buy my wood shavings from an equestrian & pet store.
Although the shavings I use are labelled for horses they’re fine for the piggies.
I buy my wood shavings from an equestrian & pet store.
Although the shavings I use are labelled for horses they’re fine for the piggies.
Do they ever smell? like a forest. Idk if thats pine or not. Its variable quality normally the bales dont smell but this last one does
Pine would be labelled so I can avoid that.
The wood shavings I get just smell Woody and rather nice.
I’ve never had problems, apart from one occasion when there had obviously been water getting into the bag and they were damp and smelly.
I use rewashable puppy pads hate the smell if shaving especially when dirty.
I use washable puppy pads and fleece. Lots of members find fleece works for them, but others find they can't keep up with the washing!
Fleece liners dry very quickly, I do not tumble dry mine, an extra spin in the washing machine and they come out 70-80% dry, it might be worth you trying given you are low on disposable options.