Won't let me hold them.

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New Born Pup
Oct 11, 2013
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Hi I wasn't sure which one to post this in so sorry if this is in the wrong one. I have 2 male guinea pigs who I have had for a year now and they still won't let me hold them. If I go near them they run away not letting me stroke them or anything. Any ideas on how to get them to come near me?
Not every pig of mine likes to be touched when free roaming (actually the majority doesn't). On the other hand, some of my worst offenders have no problem with climbing on my lap for a special treat - so it is definitely not fear. Some of mine don't mind being touched when they are absorbed with munching on something and some don't mind a little cuddle. All piggies will come over to me for some dried forage, grass or some special pellets. Perhaps that is the way to go for you. Concentrate on interacting, not on petting. It is equally fulfilling! it takes a bit of patience, but the way to a piggy's heart goes through its tummy...

As to picking them up, it is much easier and a lot less stressful if you can train them to come either into a tunnel, an upturned hidey or a padded cardboard box with one end cut off and a little veg treat placed at the other end. Use the same words with the same cadence every time and praise lavishly.
They have to get used to you. A lot of piggies will run away from you as they are prey animals they will view you (and your hands approaching them) as predators. Piggies have a tendency to not like being picked up. You could try herding them into an upturned pigloo with a cover/ towel over the top, or a cosy so that picking them up isn't so scary for them.

Other than that - lots of patience!
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