Won't get along.


New Born Pup
Mar 15, 2019
Reaction score
I have two male guinea pigs Ziggy and Petro. I have tried putting them in a cage together twice with no luck. Before putting them together I bathed them together and put them on the floor for several hours together. When put in the cage (first was 7 feet by 5 feet wide, second was an L shaped- two 2.5 foot by 4.5 foot) and they are fine the first day or so but start fighting. The second attempt ended in one drawing blood. This was several months ago. Should I try to put them together again or just keep them seperate?
I have two male guinea pigs Ziggy and Petro. I have tried putting them in a cage together twice with no luck. Before putting them together I bathed them together and put them on the floor for several hours together. When put in the cage (first was 7 feet by 5 feet wide, second was an L shaped- two 2.5 foot by 4.5 foot) and they are fine the first day or so but start fighting. The second attempt ended in one drawing blood. This was several months ago. Should I try to put them together again or just keep them seperate?

Hi and welcome

How old are your boys?

To be honest, they are likely better off as next door neighbours with full interaction through the bars, so they can sniff noses and exchance scent messages; see each other's bodies (body language) on top of hearing each other. We often overlook how complex guinea pig interaction is.

You can try a re-introduction at any age, but I would not try it with teenagers. And not if there has been a full-on bite to the face/ears or the rump; the latter is always the end of the road. If it was just a scratch from a mis-judged swipe then you may be in with a small chance, but I would generally not get up my hopes too high.
Try them through a divider first and see how they react when they are face-to-face.

Please take the time to read these guides here. They take you in detail through bondings and interaction and when boar bonds fail: