Won't Come Out

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
Nevada, USA
My boy Toto has been acting strange for about a week now. He won't come out of his little house, but before he was extremely playful. He is still eating and drinking. Suggestions on what I can do?
:D How old is Toto and how long have you had him? If you have not had him long, then this is normal behaviour of a piggie in a new home. Something may have frightened him and made him very nervous. A loud noise perhaps, or a sudden movement. Don't force him out. it will only make it worse. You will just have to let him come out in his own time. Are his food and water outside of his little house? If he is still eating and drinking, then he must be coming out for those. Just try to keep everything quiet so he will feel that it is safe to come out. You could try tempting him out with veg or greens maybe, but let him go inside again if he wants to.
:D How old is Toto and how long have you had him? If you have not had him long, then this is normal behaviour of a piggie in a new home. Something may have frightened him and made him very nervous. A loud noise perhaps, or a sudden movement. Don't force him out. it will only make it worse. You will just have to let him come out in his own time. Are his food and water outside of his little house? If he is still eating and drinking, then he must be coming out for those. Just try to keep everything quiet so he will feel that it is safe to come out. You could try tempting him out with veg or greens maybe, but let him go inside again if he wants to.

I've had him about 4 months, and he was super playful before, so that's what worries me, I guess I have to be patient
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