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New Born Pup
Sep 28, 2022
Reaction score
Essex, UK
Hi all!

I have a 5.5 year old pig who has recently had an issue with her teeth - they got a little long and one of her top incisors is growing at an angle which will either hit her bottom ones or slot behind them. She went off her food for a couple of days and that's when we noticed.

She has been to the vets last Friday, they burred her front teeth down and said her back teeth looked fine, so they are now a good length but we still have the misalignment.

We have been syringe feeding her Recovery food from the vet, and her appetite is returning but she seems unable to eat hay, nuggets, or most fruit veggies.

So the question is - what are our next steps, and is this tooth going to be an ongoing issue or what needs doing to it?!

Just to add - she has had a nipple tumour that is suspected cancer so between that and her age anaesthesia is unlikely to be an option for her.
If her teeth are still misaligned then I would suspect there might be something else going on.
How were her back teeth checked?
This usually requires an anaesthetic for the vet to get a good look - very few vets offer conscious dentals.

I would also be thinking about something like a jaw abscess?
Has she been x-rayed?

It is great her appetite is returning - this is a very good sign, it may just take a few more days as any form of operation can cause them some stress.
Is she also on pain relief?

I have also found that cutting food into strips can help a dental piggy eat again for themselves. Sometimes they are holding back because they expect it to hurt, even after the problem has been fixed.

Good luck with her - she sounds like a very special piggy.
I have a piggy that’s gotten over a tooth root abscess. His tooth went wobbly, then wonky and then fell out. Is the tooth wobbly at all. Or a different colour? Great advice given above.