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Wonky poops


New Born Pup
Jan 21, 2021
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Hi there,
For the past few days, my female pig Selma (2 yrs old) has been doing different shaped poops, from tear dropped and too mushy to harder but not uniform, with some being smaller and so on. I've been trying to take veggies out of her diet and have given her some Dualcare nuggets. I have also got her booked into the vets for a week today which was all they had but just wanted to see if anyone had any advice. I've attached a photo. Thanks so much :)


  • poop.webp
    95.7 KB · Views: 8
Please switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh her daily.
Smaller poops or abnormal poops can suggest a gut disturbance and a potential reduced hay intake so the weight checks are important to ensure she is still eating enough hay.
It’s good you’ve got her booked in with the vet

Weight - Monitoring and Management
Emergency and Crisis Care as well as Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment
Thanks so much for responding! I'm new to this so didn't want to post something that has been asked about too many times haha. That's great, we have been weighing her everyday and she is 1.3kg and stays round about the same, only differs if she hasn't got a full tummy/bladder and then it's 1280/1270gs. Thank you again :)
Thanks so much for responding! I'm new to this so didn't want to post something that has been asked about too many times haha. That's great, we have been weighing her everyday and she is 1.3kg and stays round about the same, only differs if she hasn't got a full tummy/bladder and then it's 1280/1270gs. Thank you again :)

Dont worry, we are always happy to help on any post!

Its good her weight is remaining stable. Hopefully it’s just a mild tummy upset and being off veg for a few days will settle her again, but it is always good to see a vet though.