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Wondering if Blodwen has ovarian cysts...


Senior Guinea Pig
Apr 20, 2018
Reaction score
Blodwen pig has been very hormonal lately and humping everyone a lot, I thought it was maybe just settling the new herd hierarchy but I just noticed her nipples look rather swollen...
We'll be going to the vet but what I am wondering is, which vet? Our local vet just a mile away is very good, especially if we can see head vet Clare. She's done great surgery on my pigs before. But... if we need a spay... Blod does has a history of respiratory problems that might complicate any spay surgery, she has seem Molly Varga at Rutland House for that as a referral and I think Molly might be better for dealing with that complication. But... Rutland house is an hour's drive away, that's a long way for any follow-up emergencies and Blod does not travel well... and our local vet is literally 5 mins away and brilliant at fitting in emergency patients, they have ling opening hours too, 7 days a week... which vet do I take Blod to? Should I go local but ask, if she needs a spay, if they can manage any possible respiratory complications?
Probably I should just get her checked over then go from there lol but I like to plan ahead just in case she does have cysts and need a spay... statistically we are due a case of ovarian cysts, with so many ladies of a certain age or older!
I would consider having her surgery an hour away then any follow ups can be had at the nearer vet. Can the notes for the surgery be transferred to the nearer one?

But then you say she doesn’t travel well. Would the nearer vet be willing to collaborate with the other one if the need for surgery arises?…

Sorry that was a bit useless.
Oh dear.
Start simple and go to your usual vet.
When you know for sure it’s ovarian cysts you can discuss treatment.
@GPTV had the injections for one of hers if my memory serves.
That might be an option for Blodwen to avoid surgery.
Hope all goes well. .🙏🏼
Thank you both, I am sure the vets would collaborate and the local vet would refer her if needed, my local vet often takes on junior vets who have trained at Rutland with Molly.
I'll get her booked in with the local vet, maybe specifically request head vet Clare even if we have to wait a couple of weeks- I'm sure Blod's nipples and ovaries aren't going anywhere fast except up and down the cage humping all her friends!
I took marshmallow to the vet today (for her abcess) but also mentioned she'd been extra hormonal (also thought hierachy changes) and extra big nipples but they've had a good feel of the tummy and can't feel cysts so paws crossed there's nothing hormonal going on with blod either! :) I would go local and ask what their experience is with spays personally! I'm lucky that my main vet does ovariectomies which has fewer post op risks, not sure about the respitory stuff though, it's definitely worth asking/considering I think :) sending healing wheeks!
Yes @Merab's Slave your memory serves you correctly :nod:

My RB Ellie had 2x 2 injections of HCG Chorulon injections, she was 6yrs old for the first 2,then had her second batch of 2 at 7yrs old.

My vet said she wasn't confident enough to operate on Ellie at her age (hers was a walnut sized ovarian cyst-diagnosed with an ultrasound, after continuous uti's & very heavy genital bleeding).

Generally speaking I couldn't find any information on negative side effects from the injections, it seemed to be a case of they either worked or they didn't.

They worked wonders with Ellie, she only had one bad bleed a few days after the first injection & never again :)

If you would like some more information, I'll find out my old threads for you :tu:

Good luck with your vet decision & healing vibes being sent for the beautiful Blodwen :wub:
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