Wish me luck


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 21, 2018
Reaction score
United States
In about twenty minutes my guinea pigs are going to the vet to get there nails clipped for the first time! I read the guide about traveling with guinea pigs and have a cardboard box filled with fleece and hay for them as well as some veggies for the ride. This is there first time @ the vet but I think they will do well! Wish me luck I will put in pictures and an update when we get back xx
We had nail trims with the vet nurse on monday (Jezzy, Clover and Blodwen) and yesterday (Piggle, Puggle and Theo). Its a double vet trip event every school holidays for us! Unless your piggy has previously had a bad vet experience (neutering, thermometer up the bum) they should be fine. Make sure you have after-vet treats for them, mine got a grape each :)
It went very good! They were a little nervous on the drive but I gave them lots of lettuce and cucumber :) Once we got to the vets the technician asked for them and I realized I was supposed to give her them and stay in the waiting room. I really wanted to go with (over protective piggies parent) but held back and she took them. She clipped them super fast and told me that they didn’t put up too much of a fight. The car ride home they got plenty of veggies and hay for reward and now at home Luna is asleep in her cage is Lily is munching on hay 😂😀110685