Wireless Thermometre To Tell You Hutch Temperature From Inside Your House

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 3, 2011
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Just wanted to bring awareness to this handy little device. I didn't know they existed until one of my piggy friend facebooker wrote, "my wireless thermometer tells me it's warmer in the shed than the hutch". I instantly googled wireless thermometres and bought this one based on the really good reviews that were shared on amazon:

It's been amazing! It's so easy to set up and it comes with a wireless transmitter monitor which was really so simple to install. Just three little screws and you can attach it inside the hutch out of reach from the piggies. So mine is in the top left hand corner of the bottom part of the hutch.

From inside the house I can see at a glance exactly what the temperature is in the hutch. It was as good for the boiling hot summer as I'm sure it will be for the freezing cold winter.

When I saw temperatures soaring as I was able to respond quickly with ice packs and/or place an old white bed sheet over the hutch to reflect the suns rays.

Now I can monitor how quickly temperatures are falling and it's helping me to judge when I need to start adding heat pads (not yet, hutch is still maintaining a steady 17 degrees temp through the night). Being wary of rapid increases or decreases of temperatures this device I feel is the one sure fire hit way to know and I know that when the weather turns if I can't maintain a steady temperature then it's time to bring them indoors.

There are cheaper ones on the market, they may work just as well but I did a lot of reading around and for the price I felt was fair this one came up trumps.

It also tells you your indoor temperature which I'm able to cross reference with my actual heating thermometer, they have both been aligned from day one so I know it's working.

Even though the monitor is in a hutch in a shed a good 10 metres from the house (as the crow flies) it's rarely lost signal.

So thumbs up for this device and wanted to share with anyone who might also be interested in such a clever little piece of technology for their hutch :)

Thats the one I wanted to buy but had to curb my spending - I think its really handy though I'd probably end up with it by my bed and would wake during the night to run out and check on the piggies if the temp was really low, lol
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