Winter preparation


New Born Pup
May 20, 2021
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Hi we have 2 males which have a 6' x2' 2 storey hutch with a 6" pipe connecting to a 9' x 5' run. They have had a great run of it all this summer but we will soon be going towards the cooler nights and eventual winter.

Anybody got ideas on how we are best placed to look after our cavies outdoors in a hutch during the winter
if they are to stay outside year round, then you will need loads of hay to stuff the hutch with, a few snugglesafe heatpads, thermal and waterproof hutch covers. Ideally moving the hutch into a shed or garage. If that isn’t possible, then positioning the hutch in the most sheltered part of your garden. Also have a thermometer on the hutch so you can monitor the temperatures.

My two live in my shed. They have a 6ft hutch in the shed.
I keep mine warm by stuffing the hutch completely full with hay. They also have four snugglesafe heatpads within the hutch. I put two under two hides and then the other two pads elsewhere in the hutch. That way they can choose whether to be in a hide with or without a heatpad.
The hutch itself then has a thermal hutch cover, then two blankets, then the waterproof hutch cover (it’s obviously not needed to keep them dry given it is in a shed but it offers another layer to keep warmth within), then an old duvet thrown over all of it. They do have a two storey hutch but the ramp is removed and only use the top half of the hutch for mid winter night times. They have the downstairs part of the hutch and the shed floor as their main living space for most of the year and then use it as play space during the winter. They get shut in the top half of the hutch at night during the coldest parts of the winter as it is easier to keep just one level warm enough.
These measures have worked very well, the shed itself staying 5-10 degrees warmer than outside temperatures so within the hutch is at least 12 degrees. I did have to bring them indoors last winter though. I knew it was going to get down to -8 outside so brought them indoors. When checking the hutch the next morning, it and was down to just 2 degrees in the hutch so I’m glad they were indoors!
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Hi there, you might find this thread helpful for some tips as well: Cold Weather Care For Guinea Pigs

One thing I would suggest on your specific set up is that once it gets cool I would be blocking off their access to the run. Allowing them onto cold wet ground wouldn't be a good idea.
I had my camera with me when went out to say goodnight to the boys this evening, so I took a quick pick of the inside of their bedroom. This is an upper level (so off the ground) of a hutch inside an insulated shed. At the moment the hutch just has one blanket over it at night to keep the draughts out.

It's going down to 9 degrees overnight where we are. When it gets colder there will be hay to the ceiling, two heat pads and more covers over the hutch.
It’s difficult to keep cozy’s dry in winter. So you may have to remove them and find another kind of hide they can use. Otherwise he looks snug as a bug in a rug 😍
Hi we have 2 males which have a 6' x2' 2 storey hutch with a 6" pipe connecting to a 9' x 5' run. They have had a great run of it all this summer but we will soon be going towards the cooler nights and eventual winter.

Anybody got ideas on how we are best placed to look after our cavies outdoors in a hutch during the winter
your post as I was about to post the same. Mine don’t quite have the same expanse as your lucky piggies but they do have a run under their hutch that they seemed to love and another separate one that is easier to move. Their hutch currently has a bit of bubble wrap around the sides of the sleep quarters and then the thermal wraps, lots of hay inside but I still worry about the cold for then so just purchased a 4ft indoor hutch which I plan to put them in inside the shed once it gets below 6•C

your post as I was about to post the same. Mine don’t quite have the same expanse as your lucky piggies but they do have a run under their hutch that they seemed to love and another separate one that is easier to move. Their hutch currently has a bit of bubble wrap around the sides of the sleep quarters and then the thermal wraps, lots of hay inside but I still worry about the cold for then so just purchased a 4ft indoor hutch which I plan to put them in inside the shed once it gets below 6•C

Piggies need to stay above 15 degrees at all times. If night time temperatures in your area are already below 15 degrees (I certainly know they are down to around 6-9 degrees in mine) then do move them into the shed now. If you wait until 6 degrees then they will be feeling the chill quite a lot.
It’s at the point now where a run is not able to be used as they should not be out of damp or cold ground.

A hutch needs to be fully protected with insulation all the way round it such as a thermal hutch cover. Blankets or old carpet over it to help hold warmth in further and then a waterproof hutch cover also. Even in a shed they will need a lot of insulation. I use a thermal hutch cover, two blankets, a normal waterproof hutch cover (even though they are in my shed the waterproof hutch cover provides a further layer of insulation even though I don’t need waterproofing properties) are and then a duvet over all of it.
You will also need snugglesafe heatpads (microwaveable pads the piggies can snuggle up to). They are essential for outdoor piggies to provide the warmth they need.

Also, i think you have two boars. If that is correct, then I am afraid a 4ft hutch won’t be big enough. Boar pairs, particularly teenagers, need a lot of room otherwise Lack of space can cause them problems and fall outs. Boars are much more territorial. A 6ft hutch is ideally for a boar pair but a 5ft at a minimum. 4ft is the minimum for two sows and not appropriate for boars at all.

your post as I was about to post the same. Mine don’t quite have the same expanse as your lucky piggies but they do have a run under their hutch that they seemed to love and another separate one that is easier to move. Their hutch currently has a bit of bubble wrap around the sides of the sleep quarters and then the thermal wraps, lots of hay inside but I still worry about the cold for then so just purchased a 4ft indoor hutch which I plan to put them in inside the shed once it gets below 6•C
I'm interested to know how you have fastened the bubble wrap to the inside of the hutch?