Will this be suitable for a c and c cage?


Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 1, 2018
Reaction score
Plymouth, Devon
The only thing is that it is 7 squares rather than the normal 9 so the holes themselves are a bit bigger. It’s not a problem if you’ve got adult pigs, but youngsters (under 6m) may be able to get through the holes.
The only thing is that it is 7 squares rather than the normal 9 so the holes themselves are a bit bigger. It’s not a problem if you’ve got adult pigs, but youngsters (under 6m) may be able to get through the holes.

Thanks my guinea pigs were adopted and got told they were around 4 months old but they are quite large and I will also be putting corrugated plastic round the bottom of the cage. Thanks again Thomas
Thanks very much. That looks like a good kit. I have looked and the one I looked at will do a 7x4 cage which will mean it will take 50 squares and the kit comes with 56 squares. Thanks Thomas
Oh I thought it said 16 grids but I just realised it meant 16 cubes. 56 grids Is brilliant I might order that one if I ever need any more c&c ;)
Hi, I have these cubes for my cage. One thing I would like to note is the grids are a bit smaller than the standard 9 square c&c, the standard being 35 cm per grid and these 7 square being 30 cm per grid. It just means that it wont be a true 7x4 and things like bought c&c fleece liners and such will be too big so bear that in mind. The overall size of the cage is still great though, I have a 7x3 and provides more than enough square footage for my girls.
Hi, I have these cubes for my cage. One thing I would like to note is the grids are a bit smaller than the standard 9 square c&c, the standard being 35 cm per grid and these 7 square being 30 cm per grid. It just means that it wont be a true 7x4 and things like bought c&c fleece liners and such will be too big so bear that in mind. The overall size of the cage is still great though, I have a 7x3 and provides more than enough square footage for my girls.

Thankyou I know the size is not quite as big but will still be a good size. My current cage is 120x59cm. the new c and will be 210x120 so easily big enough for 2 boys.

Its nice to hear from someone that has the actual product. Thanks again Thomas