Will My Guinea Pig Need Company?

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Jen Pates

New Born Pup
Nov 26, 2016
Reaction score
Hi I'm looking for some advice please. I have two sister guineas Bessie and Bertha 9 months old, Bessie unexpectedly died last night, she was absolutely fine in the morning so I'm unsure what happened. Bertha was clearly stressed running around Bessie so I brought her out of the cage and gave her some veg which she ate fine. I cleaned the cage out and Bertha seems fine without Bessie at the moment and is still eating and drinking. Will she be okay on her own or would she prefer company? How will I know? Any advice welcome please. Thanks in advance
Hi, sorry to see you suddenly lost one of your girls :(
As with Bertha, Guinea pigs all react differently when they lose a companion. Some really pine and are obviously depressed where as others get along with it. Sometimes with very elderly or frail Guinea's it may be in their best interest not to get them a friend, as the bonding process can be stressful. However with such a young Piggy i would be inclined to say yes she needs a companion. Prey animals such as these are great at internalising any stress or weakness, so although she may appear quite content to you, she is most likely feeling very exposed and unsure without that extra pair of eyes to help keep a watch on things. I also would look at it this way, 9 months is still very young for a Guinea. She could, if she's very long lived, have another 6-7 years to go. That is a very long time to be sat alone with no company you can communicate with, or gain any form of companionship. No matter how friendly she is with people, you cant be there all the time, nor are you the same as another pig. So yes, i do think she needs company, and if she were mine I would get her a friend.
I'm so sorry for your loss .

To start, please look at this thread ...

Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig

Guinea Pigs are definitely better of with company so, unless you suspect Bessie had a contagious illness, it would be well worth looking for a companion for Bertha.

If you have any rescues near you ,

Guinea Pig Rescue Centre Locator

I strongly advise you contact a rescue as most rescues on our locator offer a bonding service which you will ensure you find a compatible companion for Bessie.
Thank you so much both! I did think as she is still so young it would be best to find her a new friend. I'll take a look to see if there is a rescue by me. Do you think to look for another girl and a similar age? Thank you x
Thank you so much both! I did think as she is still so young it would be best to find her a new friend. I'll take a look to see if there is a rescue by me. Do you think to look for another girl and a similar age? Thank you x

Age isn't the major criteria - but the rescue will discuss that with you . Your other option would be a neutered boar - again, the rescue will discuss that with you .
I hope you can find her a friend, age and wether her new buddy is a female or a neutered male isn't highly important. It's entirely down to personality and if they hit it off :)
:agr: I agree with the above; getting the right personality is the most important thing.

Some guinea pigs just don't hit it off, while others take to each other quite quickly. They like to choose their own friends, so it's good you're thinking of a rescue piggie because you're more likely to find a good match for her there.

So sorry for your loss of Bessie :(

I'm sending big hugs to you & Bertha & hope a friendly companion is found for her soon :hug:
I'm sorry for your loss. At 9 months of age, I would definitely look into another friend for your remaining piggy. Pigs really are happiest with other pigs, and she is just a baby. It's a long life alone if you don't find a match for her. Best of luck in finding someone (somepig?) that she gets on with!
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