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Will led lights harm my guinea pigs?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 3, 2025
Reaction score
United States
I have led lights on my vanity across the room from my guinea pig cage, I only have them on like 30 minutes before I go to bed but if it harms them I will stop, I started doing that a few days ago.
LED lights are fine as long as your piggies are far enough away from the wire so that they can't nibble on it and don't flash like crazy.
Thank you, I saw somewhere they are fine but somewhere release that they harm their eyes so I wanted to make sure I’m not harming them

As long as your piggies cannot get at the cables to gnaw them, then there is no problem.

Personally, I have never seen any difference in my own piggies, which are going way back in time before LED lights came on the market and I started using them in the piggy area.