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Will a curly nail cut in to foot pad?

Claire W

Forum Donator 2024/25
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Lancashire (Originally from Nottingham)
All my girls have curly nails but I’ve noticed that Elizabeth has a particularly bad curly one on her front foot. I’ve checked and it isn’t but I’m paranoid it’s going to cut in to her foot pad while we’re away for the weekend therefore causing a sore and possible bumble foot? The girls are going to the vets on Monday for nail trims and check ups. Will it grow anymore in that time or will it wait until then? The vets have no appointments left today, not for a nail cut anyway x
I would imagine it would have to be very overgrown to actually cut in to the foot pad. I have taken in piggies with curled and very overgrown nails before and never had one that has cut in to the foot pad
Billy has some really tricky curly nails on his front paws, I am slowly getting used to trimming them. I think about it for a good few days- then just go for it. His nails haven’t caused any trouble while I take a few days to be brave!

I imagine Elizabeth should be ok to wait until Monday.
I've had and have had piggies with very curly nails - it is not at all uncommon in older piggies. Never had one going into the skin. It won't happen with regular trimming.

Trim them just about 1 mm into the twist to avoid cutting into the quick. The live part of a nail is always smooth; the twisting and curling only happens in the dead part of the nail.
It is also a help when cutting black nails; look for where the nails in especially adult/older piggies start showing little irregularities, curling or twisting, and you won't be cutting into the quick on those nails.
I thought having overgrown nails would cause them problems with their legs? Especially for older pigs?
I know that one of mine, Pat, had a few nails that started to curl sideways and it was making his toes go sideways and his whole foot was held differently. I made sure I took a little off regularly for a while until they were normal, now his toes and feet are no longer curling or twisted in any way.