Wild Mouse And Guinea Pigs

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
Stockport, United Kingdom
So was doing the usual Sunday flat and guinea cage clean routine, when I noticed some mice droppings around guinea pigs unopened bag of food and hay; along with nice chewed holes in both. Clearly the mouse(mice?) is having a field day with this seemingly unlimited supply of tasty food. Obviously I don't want mice running around the place so am gonna go out and buy some humane traps tomorrow, but was wondering if they are 'bad' for the guinea pigs? Can mice be harmful to the g-pigs in anyway?

Also I live in a second floor flat, thought I'd be too high up to be getting mice. Could the guinea pigs be attracting them?
I don't believe they cause any harm other than they could pass diseases towards the piggies
Oh okay, luckily there hasn't been any droppings near the guinea's cages so don't think it's ventured near them yet.

On another/same note there is a horrible stench in the hallway, thinking that perhaps it may have died already... Either that or the smell is one of the residents.:vom:
The guineas certainly aren't attracting them, mice are just annoyingly resourceful little creatures... We have had them in our attic for years and haven't ever had guinea pigs in the house before quite recently!

Peanut butter makes a really good bait for traps of any kind x
Ahh it's good to know it's not the guinea pigs! Will put a trap down with some peanut butter in then, just in case the little is still sneaking around the place. If I catch him, can set him free in the park around the back.
It could be the guineas food attracting the mice, they can get in through very tiny holes in walls where pipes come in, would think as you are in a 2nd floor flat they are coming up the cavity wall? Mice will eat anything I had one eating soap in the bathroom once. Any food not shut away in tightly closed cupboards would be best kept in tins. My guineas food is in an old chocolate tin from the days when you got enormous sized tins at Christmas not the silly little plastic ones you get now! You could try letting it out in the park but now it knows where food is it will probably come back.
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