wierd looking scab.....

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hullo all... i am new to dealing with guinea pigs and was wondering how a guinea pig heals.... i have recently found a scab and a white flaky looking, but not exactly flake patch surrounding the scab/wound... i doesn't seem to be bothering him as he still coo's and popcorns, i was just wondering if anyone could shed some light on this mysterious occurrence...
Just as a bit of background he was always been picked on by the alpha(who has since been removed) and i think that this wound was caused by thees fights, he also has had numerous bites and hair removed by this alpha, which are all healing quite well, it's just this one spot, excuse my rambling but I'm just not exactly sure what's going on.....

any incite will be very helpful...
thank you
i would suggest going to this website http://gorgeousguineas.com/index.html and contact the owner by email and send a picture of the spot you are concerned about and she will get back to you and suggest something for you to use O0 either that or take your piggy to the vet for a check over O0 welcome to the forum from me and the girls in oz :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: good luck with your furbaby O0
He could have mites which you can't see but can cause open wounds. I would take him to a vet to determine what to do.

Welcome to the forum! :)
thank's.... unfortunatly we don't have a rodent/cavy savy vet in our area... i've been keeping an eye on it and it seems to be getting better... it has almost a calus type of texture... Hons is being a trooper throughout this and has never been happier since the unfortunat removal of his one cage mate.... thanks again...
If this is mites(does sound like it to me)you will need to see a vet to get some Ivermectin.This is the only thing that will get rid of the mites.Any vet should be able to supply this.It is available in a topical form which you just put on the skin at the back of the neck and down the spine.You could do this yourself.

If the mites are left untreated the irritation could cause the piggy to have fits.
I would recommend going to the vet to see if it is mites and not something else. If it is, you can try the following...both of them I have personally used and both are just as effective.

You can also use a blend of essential oils for the treatment of mites, which I think is much better than chemicals if the problem isn't severe...Neem oil mixed with a carrier oil (such as almond oil) rubbed in to the skin and left for a day will do the trick and they can ingest it as well. They will need a bath afterwards and maybe another dose a couple of days after but it really works! For more information see Peter Gurney's website (http://www.oginet.com/pgurney/skinp.htm). I used neem oil on our little Eddie and he was as right as rain after the first dose. I warn you though; they smell pretty bad afterwards!

Alternatively, you can order Beaphar Spot-On for Guinea Pigs (http://www.equinecaninefeline.com/c...ite-spot-on-rabbit-guinea-pig-rat-ferret.html). It works in the same way as the spot on treatment for dogs and cats but it is specifically designed for piggies. I used this on my other pig Copernicus and his skin cleared up and his bald spot cleared up really quickly! It's only £3.50 as well and can save a trip to the vet's as it is a milder solution of Ivermectin.

Hope it works and he gets better soon!
Sorry but I disagree with the above post, the only way of getting rid of mites, the ones that are microscopic and cause the scabs you describe can only be truely gotten rid of with ivermectin from the vets.
I agree with you Starla.Beaphar does not work and meds etc should not be bought from an internet site.They could be out of date or fake.

Heavy use of essential oils is not recommended either.Peter used to recommend oil baths many years ago,but later changed his mind about them.
I would really like to point out that the medicine I bought over the internet was NOT out of date and was from a reputable supplier. It WAS Ivermectin and it DID work. As for the neem oil, that also work. I also own two of Peter Gurney's books and have read his website pages; none of them say anything about the "perils" of using essential oils. I have used both on my guinea pigs and they are so much better since I have done it. When I took them to the vet, he didn't even notice that their mites were out of control. Unless it's a rodentologist, I think it's a myth that vest ALWAYS know what is good for an animal, particular after reading some of the posts on this website.

I think it is wise to consult a vet but you shouldn't accept their advice without question; they are human beings and like the rest of us, are not infallable.
Thank you all for your advice... i did try the neem oil and found it to work quite well... i actually have experience with neem and bugs... for plants and such and it is one of the only generic things that works well just to keep the darn things off of my plants... thank you all again... Greg
One of my guinea pigs had the same problem and I just left it alone (obviously I talked to my friend who is a breeder) and then it just went away!
I was so happy but she still has a bald spot. Should I get some treatment or leave it alone?
Please reply.....
If the spot is now bald I don't see any point in treating it but if there are more scabs then treatment is necessary as your piggie could have mites or a fungal infection.
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