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Wicket Teeth Trim lost weight


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 5, 2023
Reaction score
Wicket is 4 and had teeth trim he was not eating well and xray didn't show any issues except points at back molars. Vet did a shorter trim i have been doing 80-100Mls CC a day and he lost weight ugh. Hay won't touch it tried short little clips, sprinkle with water which he liked before teeth trim and he has lost 45g since last thursday. eating veggies, lettuce i sprinkle hay tonight put peaflakes in was feeing he ate a little, he is eating pellets now and today has have 95mls so far of CC Now rheumacam(Sp?) only once a day other guinea pigs were told 2 times day vet said up it today and likely with trim being a little shorter his mouth is sensitve just relax keep going and thursday which be a week bring him back but honestly he is running around telling his 1 year old piggie friend off being normal

He won't let me clean him so CC beard and water he is drinking a lot and also peeing normally poops smaller mushier because no hay but he is pooping i am beside myself

Also recovering from gall bladder surgery i missed him losing weight not eating being strung out on pain killers and i feel horrible

Advice? is vet maybe wrong they been so dead on with my other boys i can't imagine they screwed up.
I’m sorry to hear this
And I hope you are also recovering from your surgery well.

If he had spurs on the molars then they needed to be filed down.
Are you saying the vet has now filed the teeth too short - shorter than they should have been? If the teeth have been filed too short then he is going to struggle to eat until they grow back in.

It can take them a while to settle back to eating after dental work.

What dosage of rheumocam is he on?
Piggies can take pain meds twice a day but it depends what dosage he is on - if the dose is too low then it won’t be helping as much as one bigger dose.

45g of weight loss in a week is not a lot as such We don’t consider a drop in weight to be a loss until it is 50g or more.

Are you weighing him every morning?
It is important you do it every day so you know he are enough critical care in the previous day.
If he is having 80-100mls of critical care each day then his weight should be stable every day as that is quite a lot for him to eat.
Rheumacam is .34mls and they shortened them, Last night i cut up hay in very little pieces and sprinkle with water with very diluted Vitamin c he started grabbing it. he ate pellets and nosed at hay again later not sure he ate much but he is showing interest. Romain lettuce in morning today with 35 mls of critical care and he got 20mls earlier in morning i did more this morning he took it and didn't spit much out. My youngest daughter is going to try and feed him again when up like in 4 hours 19 year olds sleep omg! But she watched and said oh he uses syringe like water bottle what a good boy. Before i left for work he took meds, ate and before his lettuce he was eating pellets so maybe he will turn around. Also through night as i was waking up he was drinking a lot between him and pod mate i swear they drank 2/3 of a 22 oz water bottle. And mainly Wicket at the water bottle.

I hate that they shortened teeth a bit more its caused issues and the other vet said he has seen guinea pigs take 10 days to start eating more he is getting use to his new teeth. I lost one after teeth he had other issues but he didn't last long i am really beside myself. i feel like i caused this but these little guys hide things so well and me being loopy for a week i didn't notice much of anything.

I will keep going but work won't let me be home they are tracking my absences given i was off for surgery and then told work at home they were not pleased. two weeks post surgery for me and getting better but like Wicket i can't eat much:( so i am tired and now stressed with him. I hesitated getting wicket teeth surgery i almost said no because i had a feeling it would go bad i guess i was right :(

Thanks for advice and here is to hoping he turns around
Keep up with the syringe feeding while he isn’t eating hay, making sure his weight stays stable.
Stay in touch with the vet and keep an eye on any pain levels.

If he has spurs then you absolutely had to get them smoothed down. Spurs cause a lot of pain where they jab into the mouth and if they continue to overgrow can entirely trap the tongue and stop them being able to eat anything or swallow at all.

Hopefully he will feel better soon.
Vet did a check he went up 30 g yesterday holding and will eat cut up hay sprinkle with vitamin c water very dilute pellets but he has issues pick up hay. So vet looked as he didn't do surgery his collegue did and he was ohhh i see ok he has a slight overbit the trim has offset the meeting of the top and bottom incissors so that is reason you have to wait for it to grow i am sorry i didn't notice it or we would have had to keep top a little longer so CC cut up hay maybe get more orchard grass timothy blend mix and he will adapt a bit and when grown he will be back to normal with hay. Sheesh. So how long does this take :(
Poop wise he isn't doing much so monitoring that. sigh.

so for now feed cut hay, feed and hay and pray i can make him continue to eat.
I'm sorry to hear this

Is he still taking the critical care?
he is spitting it out took him a bit to sort of wake up. He ate slices of cucumber lettuce then went drank and had some hay he has had 40 Mls well basically 36mls so far and eating a bit i am wondering if he got stressed with vet . i cleaned pen and he is burrowing in hay as i type. i will syring him again doing every 3-4 hours try to get him going again i am not sure what i have done wrong i feel horrible like i caused this :(
So Thursday vet he had gained a lot then got stressed was not eating well Friday i was beside my self. Worked from home even though i could get in trouble they monitore us to make sure we are coming in 3 days a week don't even ask. So fed, weighed morning he was down 40 grams ugh so fed fed but he started eating hay a bit more on his own. i missed early early feeding he has had 40 mls so far of cc i will get more in but he is eating hay more on his own drinking and even went for pellets just weighed up 14 g not greatest but this is him eating more on his own. i am beside myself.

The front inscisors were cut too short he has a slight overbite they hadn't noticed so i am cutting up hay in small bits so he can get it and gave him a little bale of botanical hay he is eating that plus his lettuce he is speeding up with eating hoping we can turn a corner. i can work from home tomorrow but after that i have to go in will try to get 40Mls in between 2 am and 6 am before i leave so if i can get home at 2pm he can be fed more and get on track. my youngest can't get over the smell of CC to feed him her autism takes over and she get scared with smell way it looks and can't do it but will cut up hay get lettuce and cucumbers for him . doing what i can but honestly don't know

he is more active, coming out to see what is up and going to hay piles to eat so i guess an improvement but i hate the up down up down these little ones do.

i even tried to leave out little mounds of CC for him to eat he wants nothing to do with it gave me a look like mom that is the stuff you put in the thing to make me eat not having it

:( doing all i can i just don't know sigh