Junior Guinea Pig
Wicket is 4 and had teeth trim he was not eating well and xray didn't show any issues except points at back molars. Vet did a shorter trim i have been doing 80-100Mls CC a day and he lost weight ugh. Hay won't touch it tried short little clips, sprinkle with water which he liked before teeth trim and he has lost 45g since last thursday. eating veggies, lettuce i sprinkle hay tonight put peaflakes in was feeing he ate a little, he is eating pellets now and today has have 95mls so far of CC Now rheumacam(Sp?) only once a day other guinea pigs were told 2 times day vet said up it today and likely with trim being a little shorter his mouth is sensitve just relax keep going and thursday which be a week bring him back but honestly he is running around telling his 1 year old piggie friend off being normal
He won't let me clean him so CC beard and water he is drinking a lot and also peeing normally poops smaller mushier because no hay but he is pooping i am beside myself
Also recovering from gall bladder surgery i missed him losing weight not eating being strung out on pain killers and i feel horrible
Advice? is vet maybe wrong they been so dead on with my other boys i can't imagine they screwed up.
He won't let me clean him so CC beard and water he is drinking a lot and also peeing normally poops smaller mushier because no hay but he is pooping i am beside myself
Also recovering from gall bladder surgery i missed him losing weight not eating being strung out on pain killers and i feel horrible
Advice? is vet maybe wrong they been so dead on with my other boys i can't imagine they screwed up.