Why was Pickle wiggling?


New Born Pup
Oct 5, 2023
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This morning my boys were having a bit of a Mexican Stand Off and grumbling at each other when Pickle started waving his rump from side to side. I haven't seen that behaviour before and wondered what it meant. They both decided it wasn't worth the aggro and walked away in the end but I'm intrigued by the backside waving!
This morning my boys were having a bit of a Mexican Stand Off and grumbling at each other when Pickle started waving his rump from side to side. I haven't seen that behaviour before and wondered what it meant. They both decided it wasn't worth the aggro and walked away in the end but I'm intrigued by the backside waving!


You may find our Behaviour A-Z helpful for learning more about behaviour or idenifying them: A - Z of Guinea Pig Behaviours

Rumble-strutting (wiggling the bum by shifting the weight from one back leg to the other while making a rumbling sound) is generally classed mild dominance behaviour but it has different functions in various contexts.

It is how boars measure up against each other peacefully (the more the bum end wiggles, the less chance of a win since that goes to the boar with the most sonorous rumble), try to make their point, woo the ladies and sometimes simply express their happiness with life in general; especially when voice slides up and the strutting results in a popcorning session.

Sows can always rumblestrut but it is strictly dominance related during bonding, when they come into season or having ovarian cysts/high hormone output.
Just read the big about when it's followed a popcorn, wiebke, now I'm pleased about George doing it several times a day. His are usually followed by squeaky popcorns. No wonder Boris doesn't take much notice.
Just read the big about when it's followed a popcorn, wiebke, now I'm pleased about George doing it several times a day. His are usually followed by squeaky popcorns. No wonder Boris doesn't take much notice.

I call those times 'enjoying his boarliness'. Life is good and it is good to be a boar!
Glad to find out it's because he's happy and not just being a bit of a twat. That explains a lot because he's the most zen boar you will ever meet. You can do whatever you want to him weighing, nails, bits check....he usually follows it up by grooming Boris so I struggled to see it as dominance. Sorry to take over your thread Tonisita!IMG20231008161035.webp
Glad to find out it's because he's happy and not just being a bit of a twat. That explains a lot because he's the most zen boar you will ever meet. You can do whatever you want to him weighing, nails, bits check....he usually follows it up by grooming Boris so I struggled to see it as dominance. Sorry to take over your thread Tonisita!
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Grooming is not necessarily dominant; it can also be a friendly confirmation of a strong bond. In the way of ' hey, mate, I am so glad to be back with you'. Social barbering (hair eating) from an younger or under-piggy is the stronger version of this feeling but it is generally confined to the barbered piggy being long-haired.
Grooming is not necessarily dominant; it can also be a friendly confirmation of a strong bond. In the way of ' hey, mate, I am so glad to be back with you'. Social barbering (hair eating) from an younger or under-piggy is the stronger version of this feeling but it is generally confined to the barbered piggy being long-haired.
George seems to be really happy with Boris and where he is... Feel blessed!
It was nothing like this with his original cage mate. There was never any closeness with them. The bonding with Boris was very quick and easy and I did worry about the frequent rumblestrutting despite them seeming to be close. We were very lucky to find a single younger boy so quickly and even more so that they liked each other. Boris has gone from being nippy and hard to handle to happily running to climb on us as soon as he sees the blanket come out. He was even brilliant when they both had a bum bath. I just hope he doesn't develop satin syndrome.
It was nothing like this with his original cage mate. There was never any closeness with them. The bonding with Boris was very quick and easy and I did worry about the frequent rumblestrutting despite them seeming to be close. We were very lucky to find a single younger boy so quickly and even more so that they liked each other. Boris has gone from being nippy and hard to handle to happily running to climb on us as soon as he sees the blanket come out. He was even brilliant when they both had a bum bath. I just hope he doesn't develop satin syndrome.

How old is Boris now? Acute satin syndrome usually develops around 18 months (sometimes a bit earlier) but after that age it is very rare.

Finding the perfect mate is truly magic, isn't it? Love at first sniff does happen. Live in the day and make it a point to have a slot every day where you treasure your two happy boys. If needed, create a little diary with a picture every day. That is something you can always come back to in the toughest of times and feel uplifted.
He is about 8 months. I was really not sure about taking him on but he and George were both shouting and going mad trying to get to meet as soon as they could smell each other. It has not been confirmed that he is satin but being a smooth self it is unmistakable and makes a healthy shine look dull. We just need to make sure that if he gets any issues we give him the best life.
It is called rumblestrutting and is a mild dominance behaviour. Nothing to worry about

Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
Thanks, everyone! He was definitely having a face off with Smudge. I'm glad it's not a problem but he's getting bossy with his brother. We've had a chat about it :)). He did look funny, though. It wouldn't intimidate me! Shakin' his butt. He also purrs to my doorbell and certain tunes on my phone. Clearly an all singing,call dancing guinea!
Did he fluff himself up as well? It's very cute when they are trying to be big manly pig and look so adorable!
Thanks, everyone! He was definitely having a face off with Smudge. I'm glad it's not a problem but he's getting bossy with his brother. We've had a chat about it :)). He did look funny, though. It wouldn't intimidate me! Shakin' his butt. He also purrs to my doorbell and certain tunes on my phone. Clearly an all singing,call dancing guinea!

Teenagers... :mal:
Did he fluff himself up as well? It's very cute when they are trying to be big manly pig and look so adorable!
Yes, he did! Poor Smudge gets fed up with him trying to irritate him. He does Zoomies and goes up to Smudge, as if to say 'Go on, chase me!'