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why is my guinea pig coughing


New Born Pup
Jan 15, 2022
Reaction score
Spokane WA
Over the last week my black Abyssinian Charlie has been making this weird hiccuping noise I think is coughing. She's fine in every other way other than the fact she keeps sneezing, although not as frequently. It's not constant, it's just noticeable because it sounds so weird when it happens. It started about 2 days after I got sick too... could I have infected her or is it coincidence? The other 2 aren't affected in the least.
Hi, if you’re concerned then you could take them to the vets as a just incase... piggies aren't really meant to cough...they don't have a gag reflex so are unable to vomit so the only time they should be coughing is generally if they eat too fast...as for sneezing its ok if its only occasionally as it could be because of dust in their hay or surroundings...but personally I'd get them checked out as a just incase...even if it happens nothing is wrong it will give you peace of mind and your piggy will have had a full health check...
Please do have your piggy seen by a vet for a diagnosis and potential treatment.
I hope she is ok