Why have I lost all my guinea pigs so young?


New Born Pup
Oct 21, 2022
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I'm just having a hard time at the moment with whether or not I'm a good owner for my pigs, having realized most of them have passed very young.

I've lost my guinea pigs at 4, 6, 4.5 and 4 years. First a sudden death, suspected diabetes, second and third from teeth issues that resulted in a infection/sudden death, and fourth from what appeared to be organ failure. I'm now avoiding the rex breed, as I believe a lot of the teeth issues were genetic - having 3 guinea pigs develop teeth issues doesn't seem like a coincidence... However, despite me picking up illness very early, putting in heaps of work to try nurse them back to health and regularly seeing a vet, I lost them all so young, and I can't help but believe I'm doing something wrong.
I’m so sorry to hear this.
First, rest assured, you haven’t done anything wrong - none of these health issues are your fault, you didn’t cause any of them.
Unfortunately not every issue can be overcome no matter how much care we give.

They have actually all lived an average life span -
4 years is the lower end of average and 7 is the upper end. We all wish they could go on longer though.
Remember that piggies live for today and they all knew love and happy days.

Sending hugs

Thank you for your kind words, that helps to hear. I didn't realize the average age went down to 4, I had always assumed it was higher. Seeing guinea pigs on this forum live to 10 or more makes me question my abilities as an owner - But I guess its best to appreciate the time I get with my piggies. There never are any 'hacks' for a longer life are there...
I’ve never come across a pig living to 10 or more on the forum or anywhere actually - I suspect they are incredibly few and far between if there are such stories.
I’ve seen a couple of 8 years mentioned but the average is usually lower. I always feel that if they live to 6 then that is really great but I get prepared that they may not be much longer than 4.
You are right, there are no hacks, and enjoying them while they are here is the more important part.
Please don’t think you did anything wrong though.

I lost two boys last year - one back in March at one month over 6 years and the other just a few weeks ago on New Year’s Eve at two months short of 7 years.
My other two boys are now 2.5 years old.
Not sure where I saw that then, must have come across it somewhere else. It seems like I must have gotten myself into an echo chamber of long lived guinea pigs! Its hard not to blame myself, but I recognize now that its natural to do so, and I really just need to worry a bit less. Your current boys sound lovely, and I'm sorry for your loss of your older ones. Thanks again.
Unfortunately too many of our little furries have genetic issues due to irresponsible breeding. I myself have a satin and a magpie/roan, so knowing what I do now, I'm not expecting either to get to a grand old age. Instead I ensure that their lives are full of love and good care.
I have one with calcified bulla syndrome and know I will probably have to say goodbye early but cherish every day because we have been through so much together. He really was very sick for awhile. They are very fragile.
It sounds like you’re a very caring piggy owner @GrassyPiggies. I’ve been on the same journey 🤗

Hamsters, rats, and now guinea pigs. Every time over the years “did I try hard enough?” rears its head.

Holly died from a kidney tumour aged 5.5, her buddy Bramble heart failure at 4.5. Marnie and Nala, my last two lived to 6 and 7, but they both had cancer 😢

The rescue they all came from told me when we got Holly and Bramble that they wouldn’t adopt out over 4 years of age, cos it could be “hello piggy, goodbye piggy”. Your pigs did not die young, its just our perspective.

When this herd joined us last July, I was determined I could dodge the illnesses for a few years with. diet, etc. Then, in October we lost Nova due to a kidney tumour. She was about 1 year and 3 months.

If they die from the unavoidable (genetic) illnesses then we have indeed helped them dodge the avoidable ones.

Sending you more 🤗🤗🤗
I've had piggies pass at 5 and a half, 4, 3 ,and 2 and a half. I've also had a few estimated to be 7 or 8. Some were taken on as older rescue piggies and others I had from babies. I think 4 seems to be the most common age for when Piggies pass. We always seem to blame ourselves when our pets pass away( myself included). I think it's a sign of being caring owner and that we care so much. So please don't blame yourself as your little ones sounded very very loved.
Thank you for showing me your experiences. It helps to know others have experienced similar feelings, and that my piggies still had a good life. @HollysKingdom, I had never thought of genetic related death in that way, and that is such a lovely way to put it, and to know I've done my best really helps. Thank you all for the support you show on this forum, it really makes a difference.